New Beginning - @Jedmagine

Feeling like no one's interested in you is a normal feeling. You have not many good friends in school and your parents have one argument after another so you decided to stay in your room for like everyday. It's the best thing for you, to just lay on your bed, looking at the wall and thinking about nothing. Days and days go by and it feels like your parent are screaming everyday louder. But you just lay on you bed staring at the wall and feeling sad. “ (your name) I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!” your mum said whilst getting into your room. She's screaming at you and you don't know why. Have you done something? Well laying on a bed shouldn't be punished. “Yes...” you said to her. “Sooo you know your dad and I....we are...erm...this is really hard. Yes so we have one argument after another.....” you're looking down and thinking of she thinks you are stupid. YES you know you can't even hear your mind because they were screaming so loud. She continues” So (Your name) I'll say it quick. We gonna move to Dublin!” Your eyes widen fastly like your moth. IS SHE SERIOUS. “So with 'WE' do you mean you dad and me???” She looked really sad..”No with 'WE' I mean just you and me...” You are really shocked now. You can't believe it as a child you always thought they are like in a fairytale and that they will NEVER EVER split up. But now you are sad . The next following days pass really fast. You bedroom is full of boxes you packed. You lay a last time on your bed...You think about moving away...maybe it would be your chance to get different than you are now...maybe you can change your live to a better just need to be yourself, You know you gonna rock this!

*sitting in the car * “Sweetheart we finally arrived. Look..this is our new home and this one beside is the house of my best friend Susannah. She has got two sons in your age maybe you can talk to them later. ” The house looks beautiful you think. “Let's get inside.” your mum says. You walk into that massive house! It is so huge. Your mum pulled you fastly upstairs whilst muttering something to herself. You stand infront of a door and your mum says “GO and get in there. (Your name) this is your new room!” You just think like WOW!! It is huge and wonderful. One wall is painted in your favorite color blue. You have a really cool and huge bed. You jump all over it and hug your mum for like billions of times and say then you say billions of times thanks to her. You decorate your room and just feeling happy about your new live! 

You bought some new clothes for your 'new live' and the best thing ever is that you got a new laptop from your dad so you can always skype with him. But you are just thinking about that you have to go to school tomorrow. So you decide to make everything ready for tomorrow morning and you are going to bed. You forgot to say Hey to the boys from your neighborhood. You will see them tomorrow in school you think. Your mum just told you that they are really nice guys and their names are John and Edward...

*next morning * You wake up with a great smile and you are happy that you wake up in such a wonderful room. You need to get ready for school and the weirdest thing for you is that you have to wear a uniform because at your old school you haven’t got to do this but you don't care because it looks kind of beautiful. You go downstairs where you hear your mum talking to a guy. You don't know who it is but you don't care and go down and you don't realise that you are so ugly because it's in the morning and you wear a pyjama. You yawn and open the door to the kitchen where you see your mum and a really hot and cute boy. OMG...YOU LOOK TERRIBLE.... but you can't go out now so you say very embarrassed:”Morning mum and..???” “Good morning (your name). So this is one of the boys I talked with you about yesterday.” You just thinking of going away because you've never seen such a lovely guy before. “Hey (Your name)! My name's John. Nice to meet you” You see that he is hardly trying not to laugh because of your looking. You just nod your head and go upstairs. WHY IS HE SO CUTE??? and WHY ARE YOU IN YOUR PYJAMA??? Slightly embarrassed you decide to get finally ready. You take a shower, you do your hair and you style yourself as good as you can. After this you think you look pretty, cool and beautiful. You now wear you uniform and you pack your bag for school. You go downstairs to your mum and she looks at you. “(Your name) you look so beautiful! What are your plans for today..why did you get so pretty?” You decide that you just smile and say nothing to her but in your mind you are just thinking about the guy from this morning. You go out and you see how beautiful that day is. You feel very comfortable and lucky. You go to the bus stop and listening to the new Britney Spears album. You can't hear anything but you see the guy from this morning coming over with another guy...OMG...THEY ARE TWINS?! You are still slightly embarrassed about this morning but and you try to ignore them. You hear just Britney and you are looking in the sky. It is really beautiful because it's summer. But from the corner of your eye you see them just coming closer and closer whilst they are talking and laughing. You turn the music really loud and everyone around you can hear it...also the twins but they just take your earphones out of your ears and smiling at you. They look really the same but you can see some differences. “Hey (your name). Wow you look...erm....better than earlier.” John says. They start to laugh so his brother knows everything you think. (You)” Hahaha really funny. I just got out of bed so it is normal to looks like an idiot.” You don’t know what to say. “Haha it's okay we don't look different in the morning!” the other one says it with a cute smile. “What’s your name” You ask him because you forgot what your mum said earlier. “Sorry..I forgot. I'm Edward and I'm his twin!” Well this was obviously. There is a long awkward silence... “When will the bus arrive?” you ask. “Now.” John says whilst pointing onto a bus coming over to you.
* in the bus * You are sitting infront of them and they talk about singing and dancing lessons. What kind of weirdos, you think. “Do you like dancing?” John asks and smiles. “Yes I love to dance! It’s my life!” you answer. Both of the twins look at each other and smile back to you. Then they start talking to you about their dance group in school and that they need a few new members. “Do you wanna be in the group with us?” Edward asks you cutely. “Yes..Why not.” You smile to them and you are lucky that they are so nice guys.

*at school * They bus finally arrives. You're getting nervous about going into a new class and meeting new people. But you think of your plan getting more cool so you just think to calm down. You have John and Edward, so what should happen. They are nice and you think they will have many friends. You go out of the bus and you feel that everyone is watching at you. “Don't be nervous we are there for you...and (your name) please stay away from all these are too nice to be one of them!” John says to you whilst walking into the school. What does he mean with 'all these bitches'? You feel weird again. Do everyone like them in school or are they not so popular. No matter what... you like them...and you like John a little more...! You go into your new classroom and everyone is watching at you. You feel scared about the new situation..but John comes and shows you your place where you sit. Luckily it is beside John. Edward is talking to a few guys and John is going to them too. You feel alone in your class. “STAY AWAY FROM JOHN!! HE IS MINE!” you hear a girl angry whispering in your ear. “What?” you answer because you don't know what she is talking about.”There is no need to ask. You understood it well!” the girl says. You now directly look at her. She is really beautiful and now you slowly understand what John meant to you before. You feel uncomfortable and you don't know how to behave to the other girls. You think you gonna try talking to them. The all stay there in a circle and you go to them. “Hey I'm (your name)! I'm new here.” you say in a very nice way. “Hey....erm yes...I think you know about John and Edward Grimes? Stay away from them they belong to Julia and Vany! Just that you know.” one girl says to you. Okay this is really strange you thought that they have no girlfriends and you think that the girls in your class are not really nice. You see another girl sitting in a corner. Alone. She has to be nice because she's not with the other ones. You go over to her. “Hey. I'm (your name) and I'm new here.” you say. “Hey. My name is Steph. Okay my whole name is Stephanie but all my friends call me Steph. How are you?” she says really nice to you. You:”I'm good but who are these girls there? They not seem to be really nice.”. Steph:”Yes. They aren't but who cares. I think we can be good friends because you seem to be the only person here who thinks they are not nice!” You:”Yes. So maybe we can meet or make something cool a few days or so?” Steph:”I would really like to do that. We can talk when we can meet. Here I'll give you my phone number.” She tells you her phone number and you send her a massage so she has got your number. You don't know where John and Edward are but who cares. You talk to Steph and the teacher comes in like John and Edward. John winks at you and you directly blush but you try to stay cool. “So you are (your name) right?” The teacher asks you and you just nod your head. You began with math this morning. This is definitely not cool you think! The school is fast gone so you are happy to go home now. Everytime you look at Julia and Vany you see them flirting with John or Edward. This hurts because you see how pretty they are and than you think about your looking and then you think about John and you are completely sad. Who would he choose if he needs to do it? You or Vany? You are so sad but you don't show it to other people. Certainly not to John. But you also think about what John said in the morning. So he thinks they are bitches? No matter just need to get out of this classroom. 

*in the bus* You look for your earphones but you can't find them. can't listen to the new Britney songs. But you can't talk to John and Edward because of Julia and Vany. You think it's better that you not fall in love with one of them...but John....! No matter what you just need to be happy. Why sad? There is no reason to be. You sit in the bus and John and Edward are not in it. Oh wait..there they are. They run faster and faster and you need to laugh because it looks so cute how they run with all their bags. So they get in it and directly sit next to you. “Hey (your name) ! S'up?” John said a little breathless. You need to laugh again and answer:”Well I'm okay. What about you guys?”. Edward:”We're good. How was your first day? Sorry that we were not there for you but today there was trouble with one of our friends.” You:”Hmm okay..I think your class likes you really much!*muttering quietly* Especially Julia and Vany..” They look at each other. Was the muttered thing a little bit too loud? Well they know now. They bus starts to drive and you find your earphones. YEAH. Britney Spears here I come!-you think. You always go into another world when you listen to music and dance. You forgot everything around you. The bus has finally arrived. You get out of it with John and Edward. They talk something but you don’t wanna ask and annoy them. But then they turn around to you and John is asking you:”(your name) do you wanna hang out with us this evening? We can show you the area around here or we can watch a cool movie.” OMG...Why is he so cute? You can't say no because they are so cute and lovely and hot. So you forget about Julia and Vany and say:”Yes of course I wanna do it. It's gonna be so cool.” You smile at them and John winks at you. You blush again. “Cool! So do you want to come to our house?” Edward asks you and you nod. You walk down the street together and there is an awkward silence but fortunately Edward gets a call. “Hey. Who is it?” He said that in an annoyed tone. He talks a little bit to the caller and you decide to look at John and you see that he is watching at you too. Your views collide and you feel something inside you that you never felt before. You shyly watch away to Edward who is finishing the call. John looks at him and asks:”Who was it?” Edward looks at him really annoyed and says:”Guess it. Julia and Vany. They want to date us this evening.” You feel shocked inside but you don't show it to them. You look at John who is laughing. Why is he laughing. The two hottest girls from your new school asked them for a date. You need to know why he is laughing so you ask:”Why are you laughing?” John is looking at you and again in your eyes and says:”Okay what I tell you now is top secret. So Julia and Vany feel so beautiful and cool and the bad thing about that is...we don't think they are. This is what I meant to you this morning. You shouldn't get one of them. They are so...hahaha I don't know it is just funny to watch how they behave when they feel cool.” You stare at him. “Is that the truth John?” “Totally...Edward and me like more the type of …!” He blushes very fast and looks away. What does that mean now? Hmmm....well they like you more than Julia and Vany. That is good! You are home now and you feel great. You will meet them this evening and you think you found a good new friend in Steph. Everything is great.

*at home * “Hey mum! How are you?” you say friendly. She smiles at you and says “I'm good. How was your first day? Did you make some new friends and what about John and Edward? Were they nice?” Okay....many questions you think but you tell her about Steph and about John and Edward were not there for you the whole day but they were so nice guys. You feel lucky but there is one bad thing apart from Julia and Vany. MATH HOMEWORK....noooo why maths? But better you do them now because of your “date” with John and Edward. Okay (your name) it is no date! You talk to yourself. You always do this and you don't know why..but who cares. You have this strange feeling inside but is it possible to fall in love with a boy which you know for like 8 hours? No matter what they are really good boys and you hope they will be your best friends. You always wanted to have a boy as a best friend and now you have two of them. That’s kind of funny. You go into your room with your bag. You look in your maths book and you feel like the boss because you understand what they want you to do with 38 watermelons. Coooool thing! You need 15 minutes for it and you are ready. You need to wear other clothes. The new and cool ones. You get ready for this evening and you are exited to get to know your village and you are happy that you are with John and Edward. You look at the clock...okay they didn't day when you will meet but you think 4 pm is a good time. So there are 30 minutes left. You decide to skype with your dad and tell him about your new house and your school and your day so far. He is lucky that you are lucky too. The time runs fast so the half hour is gone. You say goodbye to your daddy and turn off your laptop. Then you run downstairs. You grab your phone and say to your mum:”Mum I go to John and Edward now okay? When should I be back?” “Oh great. Like 11 pm? Is that okay?” she asks and you nod with a smile because you were never allowed to go out so late before you moved. You go out and then you go a few meters and then you rang at their door. Oh no you forgot their mum because you've never seen her before so you need to look friendly and cute. You put on your best smile and someone opens the door. “Heyyy!! You have to be (your name) right? John talked so much about you after school!” she says. Well did she said JOHN about YOU?? You feel so lucky and say to her “ Hello. Yes it is so cool to meet you!” She is very happy and says:” John and Edward are in their room. You can go there you just have to go upstairs and into the first room on the left side.” “Thank you!” you say and go directly upstairs. You don't know how to behave. You knock on the door and someone says:”MUM stay away...(your name) IS COMING SOON!”. You open the door a little and say:”Yes she is here now!” They look at you and smile. How can two guys be so cute? “Hey...long time ago we saw each other. Okay one hour is not so long but it is cool that you are here!” They jump up and hug you tightly especially John...♥. Sooo back to business. You feel good when they are with you! You think you have to act like a bitch to get their attention. “So we can show you Dublin a little bit and after it we can watch movies.” Edward says and you nod. You go out of the house and take the next bus whilst you are talking. You:”How was your day by the way?” Edward:”Not so good because we have an argument with one of our friends.” You:”Why? I thought the whole school would like you?” John:”No not really we have four good friends and the other ones like the girls just want our body hahaha okay no seriously we are not the people who need many friends but I think we got a new friend today. You are really cool!” You”Hahaha of course and surely you need to pay attention because I want your body too. Okay seriously I don't want but I think some others want it really bad. Like two girls called Julia and Vany.” John:”Haha yeah but the bad thing is we don't like them like you know. But who cares...You remind what we said about this dancing thing this morning? It would be so cool if you get in our group!” You:”Yes...How many people are in it?” Edward:” there is John me and maybe you.” He smiles. That is all? Okay no problem. More fun you think! The bus arrived in the city centre and you get out of it. They show you so many sights and cool stores in Dublin. It is so much fun. You talk the whole time and you never get bored and you always laugh. Edward:”I need to get Ice cream! It is so hot!” You think that you'd love to have Ice cream now. John:”Yes I need to get it too! What about you (your name)? I'll pay for you!” OMG! He will pay for you?! This is one thing a boy never did before. You:” Well I'd love to eat ice cream but when you pay it I'll pay the next time okay?!” You smile at them and they smile back. John:”So there is a next time? Of course. It is so much fun with you. I've never had so much fun before!” He looks in your eyes and you feel like you are melting. You buy some Ice cream and you eat it. It tastes delicious! You:”Thanks guys! This is so cool to be with you and thanks John for the ice cream!” You smile at him with a beautiful smile and he looks at you with a wonderful smile too. You feel that there is something between you and John...okay not Edward who is sitting in the middle of you feel something good! You get back home on the bus and you talk about how amazing the day was! It is 8 o'clock when you finally arrive in their room. Edward:”Okay guys! “What movie should we see?” You choose an episode of mister Bean because you all love it. Edward takes the dvd and puts it into the player.

...You are watching the dvd and laughing so much. You:”I love this part! It is too funny!” Edward:”Hahaha yeah it is!” You are laughing the whole series long and you can't get normal after this you feel so hyper now and John and Edward too. Then John starts to throw a pillow at you. Okay you say:”PILLOW FIGHT!” You throw so much pillows at John and Edward and they throw them back. You laugh so much now. Even more then before. You say:”Okay stop guys!” but they don't stop and you continue throwing. Edward:”Okay guys continue. I’ll be back in 5 minutes kay?!” He leaves the room. You walk over a pillow and slip down. But not an the floor. directly fall on John. You lay above him and look in his deep green and wonderful eyes. They are so beautiful and strong. You can't watch away. You stare at him and he does it too. You both don't think about laying on each other you just watch each other. You have this feeling again in your you realise that it is something that you never had is called LOVE. Could this be for real? Love at first sight? You are still laying above him. Why does he say nothing? You realise that you lay above him but you don't wanna get up. Now you realise that his arms lay around your hips. Okay obviously this didn't happened when you fell over. So does he like you very much? You are still looking at him and now he begins to smile a little bit. You smile back and he winks at you. Then you lay there again for like two wonderful minutes. Then he says:”(your name) not that I don't wanna be like this with you but I think...” What comes up next? He doesn't likes you. You new that! John continues:”...but Edward will come back soon. So let's get up okay?” He smiles at you with his wonderful smile. So he liked it? Well you look a last time in his eyes when you get up and nervously you hold his hand whilst getting up. The door directly opens and Edward comes with many pillows over to you. He is watching at you and asks:”Why did you stopped?” You and John look at each other and then you look at Edward. You smile and John says with a bright smile:”Well we had something to look for. Really beautiful things.” OMG! Is he serious? He is killing you with these words. But in a good way. He is so cute and now you securely know that he likes you too. He thinks you are beautiful? When he would know what you think about him. So cute, hot, sweet and everything else! You look at him very shyly and he winks at you. You look at Edward and you think he knows what John means. You are the luckiest girl in the world now! Edward:”So (your name) do you want to eat something?” You look at the clock and see that it is 10.55 pm. Good that he asked you otherwise you would be to late at home. You:”Sorry guys but I have to go now.” John and Edward look sad. Edward:” (your name) This was the best day ever! It was so funny! We should do this everyday! I like you so much! Come here and get a hug!” You go over to him and hug him tightly and you need to smile because they like you so much that means that you have got new awesome funny friends! So cool! John:”I bring her back okay Edward? You could maybe clean up a little bit? I'll be back in ten minutes!” Edward:”Sure..Surely we don't want that you get lost on your five meter long home way. Just go with her!” YES he knows everything. Is that so obviously with you and John? But at anyway you get back home with a boy on which you lay on. You smile about this imagine. You go downstairs where you say bye to their mum and she hugs you. You go out with John he gently holds the door open for you. You:”Thank you Mister Grimes!” You laugh and he laughs too. You go very slow because there are really just five meters to your house. You look shyly to the side where John is and he watches at you too. You see his hand going a bit high and then he puts his arm around you. This feeling is indescribable. You look at him and you smile. He smiles back and bites his lip whilst smiling. This is the most amazing thing you have ever seen in your life! But is this real? John Grimes has his arm around you. This is so amazing. But then the five meters end. He puts his arm down and softly strokes your back. You stand in front of the door and you really feel like in one of these movies and in a few seconds he will kiss you, you think. But he doesn't he is just staring at you and then he says:”(your name)...This was a very wonderful day! I loved it! We should repeat it..and maybe the thing we did a little longer. I'm just saying...but if you won't then...” You look at him. Is he serious? This was the best thing in your life so far! You smile and say:”John...I- I really like you and I would definitely like to do this last thing again and again and again and again.....This day was awesome! Thank you John!” You look at him...another time in his deep green eyes. He puts his arms around your waist and pulls you near to him and then he hugs you! You never got such a wonderful and lovely hug before! You can feel his heart beating. This is amazing! Whilst doing this John whispers in your ear:”Thank you (your name)!” You say softly in his ear :“No, I need to thank you!” He releases the hug and you kiss him really softly on his cheek. This is the first time ever you kiss a boy except of your dad. You hug him a last time before you get in your house. He is so lovely! You feel so happy and you are filled with love. This was an incredible day you think!

*next morning * Your alarm clock rings early because you want to look good for John. So you decided to get up earlier. You think about the last day and you don't know if it was real. You go downstairs and say “Good morning mum! How are you?” in a happy tone. Mum:”Hey (your name)! Isn't this a beautiful morning?! What did you and the boys do yesterday?” Okay it really happened. You:”It was so much fun yesterday mum! They are so cool and they said that they really like me! They showed me Dublin and we watched movies.” She smiles at you and you begin to eat your cereals. After this you go into the bathroom and you take a shower. Whilst having a shower you begin to sing 'Oops I did it again' by Britney Spears. You can't thing really good but it is not that you are the worst singer in the world. You finish the shower and you dry yourself and you don't stop singing. You have all your clothes in the bathroom and also your make up so you get ready there and not as usual in your room. You sing every song that is in your mind at the moment. You are dancing like a weirdo and you feel lucky because of last evening. You look in the mirror and you think you are ready for today. You can't stop singing and you go into your room whilst singing really loud and you take your bag and run downstairs. Mum:”Errmm (your name)....maybe you should stop singing?! Look who is here...” You look into the kitchen and you see ...JOHN??? OMG WHY IS HE HERE?? You look at him with widen eyes and he tries not to laugh but he can't. He bursts out of laughter. You blush and run up to your room with tears in your eyes. Why today? Why John? Why YOU?? You slam your door and start to cry. You lie down on your bed whilst crying. You think you over react with crying but it is so embarrassing for you. You can hear that your door slowly opens. You:”Go away mum! I don't wanna go to school today. What is he thinking now about me? It was so embarrassing and he laughed but I-I-I like him and he doesn't likes me and everything is bad and Julia and Vany are so mean to me and I just wanna be alone.” You are so frustrated that you don't realise what you are saying and with who you are speaking. You feel a hand softly stroking your back. It is not the hand of your mum. It has to be Johns! NO NOT AGAIN! This was so awkward what you said. But let's think about the situation...Well now he knows about what you think. You still feel the hand stroking up and down your back. You feel pretty much better now but you still cry. You think you cry because you just realise everything what is going on here. Your dad is away, you moved away and you feel alone but now you get this feeling that you are loveable. You never had this before. But it is still embarrassing. You slowly turn around and look in the most beautiful green eyes in the world. You look bad because of your make up is ruined but he sits there and well...there is this lovely smile on his adorable lips. You sit up very slowly and continue watching in his eyes. You stop crying and he says:”(your name) Why are you crying? Is it just the little thing what just happened or is there something else?” You:”I...erm...I..” John:” You don't need to talk if you don't wanna talk. Just that you know...I am always here for you! And this thing what happened just now....Well you don't need to embarrass!” You:”But you laughed at me...” John:”It was so cute and it was just so funny to watch how happy you are and I hope there is a reason for this....I hope the reason begins with a J and ends with a ohn...” He smiles at you. You shyly smile back. You feel like he is your soul mate! Okay you know him maybe 24 hours but you know that you really like him and he likes you. That's a fact. You:”Yes that is exactly the reason...You know....please don't say anyone okay? So I need to tell you a secret...No one in the world knows about this.” John:”Tell me please” You:”Okay but you won't tell anybody? Okay...I have a secret crush...” He looks sad and says:”Who is it?” You:”Well his name is John Grimes...I just know him for like one day but I feel something that I never had before! He is so cute and amazing and adorable and beautiful and such a lovely person! But there is one thing I really don't know! Does he loves me or not?” You look in his eyes for an answer. You risked everything with that. If he won't say something you lost a good friend and your first love. John:”Well I think he feels like you too but he was to shy to say it to you and he would really like to go out with you. But there is one thing that is important for him.” You:” Tell me! I wanna know it!” John:” He would like to get to know you better and take things slowly and you know why? You would be his first girlfriend. “ You stare at him:”Is this a yes?” John:”Yes! I'd love to be your boyfriend will you be my girlfriend (your name) ?? “ You look in his eyes and open your arms to hug him really tightly. You whisper in his ear:”Yes Yes and YES!” You are completely lucky!

...You are completely happy! This is your first boyfriend. Well you are 16 but you were never interested in the guys from your class and they were never interested in you. You still hug him tightly. John:”(your name) I think we need to go now. We could meet this evening? What do you think about that?” You:”Oh yes I just forgot that we need to go to school and I'd love to meet you. So lets go John.” He moans whilst getting up because he doesn't wanna go to school. OMG! You are a couple with John Grimes. This is so cool! He is so cool! Your life is so cool! You open your door and you go into the corridor. You look at him, he smiles at you and he gentlemanly takes your hand for the first time. You smile at him and he winks at you. You go downstairs whilst holding hands. You see your mother looking shocked when she sees you. Mum:”So I think everything is alright now? Well that is obviously...Have fun at school and don't do what I wouldn't do.” She smiles at you and you say:”Okay mum. you.” You go out of your house and you see how wonderful the day is and how wonderful John is. But then you get shocked. John:”Is everything alright with you?” You:” No I just realize that Vany and Julia will kill me. You know that they have a crush on you?!” John:”Oh well don't care about them. I know that they like me and Edward a little bit too much but we don't like them! That's a fact and I won't change my mind. I only like you very much! That's the second fact you should know and when they are mean you just need to tell me. I'll be there for you!” You:”Aww thank you John that is so sweet from you. By the way where is Edward?” John:”He is ill.” He looks sad and you ask him:”I thought twins would always stay together and they are always ill together?!” John:” Well...I wanted to see you and he said that it is no problem for him and that I should go and get you.” You:” Aww that is so cute from him. I think I'll look after him after school. So that means that we are alone when we meet today?” You grin and he does it too. John:” Yes you're right! What should we do? I thought we could drive to the city center and make something cool or we can watch another episode of Mr. Bean ?!” You:”That sounds great. We can drive first and then we can watch a film okay?” John:”With you I'd do anything.” So sweet you think! You go down the street holding hands and you finally arrive at the bus stop where everybody is watching you. You look at John and he says:” Okay I feel like I'm in a zoo or something maybe they pet us in a second so you better watch out.” He laughs and that is the cutest laugh you've ever heard. The bus arrives and you get in it. You sit next to each other and you put out your music player. John:”I yesterday heard that you like Britney Spears?” You:”I love her. Okay not in that way but you know she was on the ground and she get up again and does her own thing. I really love her music! What about you?” John:” Me and Edward like her too. We listen to her music all the time when we're at home.” You:”Cool!” You put your earphones out of your bag and you give on to John he smiles at you and takes it. When he does your hand meet again and you feel this type of energy trough your body. You also got nervous when you held hands before. It is the first time you have this feelings and everything is completely new. You listen to Britney spears but then your battery dies. So you talk to each other. You are with just 4 other guys in the bus and they all talk or listen to loud music so John asks you:”(your name) was it okay that I took your hand? I'm new with these things so I'm sorry if I make something not right.” You:”You know that I could die when you ask such type of questions!” John: *in a shocked tone * “No? Why?” You:” This is so cute how much you worry about things. Well I have to say I got completely nervous but that is only because I like you so much!” He smiles at you than he begins with a type of staring at you. You say nothing and just smile at him then he says:”You know what? You are so beautiful.” You can't believe what he is saying but you smile again. He begins to laugh and asks you:”How could it be that a girl like you never ever had a boyfriend?” You:”My ugliness was to frightening but I don't know why a lovely boy like you never had a girlfriend.” John:”I was never interested in the bitches of our class and I never fell in love with someone but things change.” Does that really mean he LOVES YOU??? Is he serious? Okay don't stop breathing you say to yourself and smile at him. You:”Cute John! I think we arrived.” The bus stops and you stand up you and Joh go out of it and you look at him. He smiles at you and says:”Let's go and shock Julia and Vany. I think they deserve this and today I will be there for you. The whole day just you and me.” He winks at you and carefully takes your hand. You smile and you go inside whilst holding hands. You go into the classroom where everybody is starring at you both. Especially Julia and Vany. You get evils from them but you don't care. You sit down on your place beside John. He talks to you until your teacher gets in and you try to learn something. But who can learn something when your hot boyfriend sits beside you and winks at you and smiles at you and makes everything to distract you. But you love the way he does so you smile and wink back. You sometimes get evils from Julia and Vany and you see how jealous the are. When you get out of school John nervously puts his arm around you and looks at you with an asking face and you smile so he puts his arm a little closer and so you. You feel happy and you say an ironically nice Good bye to Julia and Vany who directly get really jealous and give you bad evils then John looks at them and says:”What will you both do today? Well me and (your name) will make something cool together.” He grins and they are nearly crying and they both run away. You and John laugh and you say:”Thank you John. You are so amazing!” John:” I know!” He grins and is proud of himself.

*in the bus * You sit beside John and talk to him about normal things like which kind of music you listen to or what your life was before you moved away. Then you tell him that you were not very famous at your old school and that you never got any friends. He looks shocked and says:”(your name) ?? Are you joking? A girl like you...NO friends?” You:”Well I think I was completely different at my old school I was a kind of nerd and no one was interested in me so you are really the first boy which talks to me longer than one day!” He looks a little bit weird and says:”Well. I really like you so there is no need to not talk to you and we are like a couple.” You:”Yes I thought about this too. Today in school you just looked at me. Why?” John:”You are so beautiful and you don't even know that and that is really hot. I am exited when it gets warmer outside!” He grins and you don't know what he means. So you ask him:”Do you mean it serious? You are so lovely John! It is good to have a friend like you and you are like my boyfriend so I'm really happy with that. But what did you mean with this summer thing??” John:”Well here in summer it's getting so hot that you have to wear hot pants.” He winks at you and you just realize that he thinks you are hot and he wants to see your body?? Okay...strange feeling you think, but it's kind of cool. You talk and talk and talk to each other and you think you would know each other for ages and you match really good. The bus arrives and you go outside. John grins at you and says:” is one of these hot days...I'm just saying that.” You look at him and he grins more. You look at him with an asking face and he directly but very calmly puts his arm around you so you feel tingly inside. You walk down the street. Only you two. There is an awkward silence when he says:”Do we still meet this evening?” You:”If you ant to...I have always time for you. I thought we would go to the city centre and after this we watch some DVD’s? “ John:”Yes. I just want to be sure. So when will we meet and where?” You:”Hmmm...I first do all my homework...maybe at 3 pm and we could watch DVD's also in my room because Edward is sick and I think he wouldn't like it.” John.”Yeah! Sounds great. At three I'm at your house to pick you up kay?” He grins. Can anyone say NO to these green deep eyes? You:”Okay John see you later.” You are at your house and you hug him tightly and you feel his hand a little bit on your bum. So that means slowly to him. But there is no problem for you so you really like it. You get in your house where your mum is at the window.”Mum what are you doing there? Have you watched us???” You say it in a shocked tone but you are amused about her behaviour. Mum:”Well...I saw you and John and you are so sweet together. Are you a couple? I'm so exited for you!” You:”Okay mum. Yes we are and I like it too.” You smile and she talks so much to you whilst you eat in the kitchen. Then you think about the hot pants thing. You have one but you wore it before 2 years so you don't know if it looks good. But you lost much weight. Well you will try it on later. You go upstairs in your room and you directly do your homework that you have got more time to look hot for John. You think it is now or never. You need to take your chance. But OMG after going out with him he would come into your room and you look around you. It looks horrible and you fast clean up and now it looks brilliant. You search for the hot pants and you find them and a really cute top. You like the think but now they just need to look good on your body. You get out of your school uniform and just stand there in your bra and your underwear in front of your mirror. You've never seen you like this. There are so many thing which you'd like to change. No the time has come to put on the clothes. You put them on and they FIT AMAZING! You go downstairs to your mum to show her what you will wear when you meet him and he is thrilled. “You look so fit my amazing daughter! He will love you even more and it looks so good. It fits perfect you don't look like a bitch you look amazing.” You smile and say thanks to her and you go into your bedroom. You nervously sit on your bed. You get exited in less than 5 minutes he will be here . Whilst thinking that the door bell rings. Your mother opens and you hear her saying that she will call you. “(your name)...John is here.” She says and you get up and look in the mirror. You say to yourself:”You are beautiful. He likes you and you like him. Make the best out of what you can get. He better than the best but you are hot and you know you will turn his head around.” You wink at yourself and you feel good! Your mother left the corridor and there is just John .You go downstairs and look at John with the greatest smile you have got. He opens his mouth and he looks kind of speechless. You:”Hey John. I thought you'd like them” You point at your hot pants and he just nods. You:”John? You behave like the other guys in my old school now. Why do you say nothing?” John looks at you and says:”You look so pretty! I've never seen such a body before! are like a dream!” You:”Awww thanks John you are so sweet! But I think I really don't look sooo good that you can't speak so please speak with me!” You grin and he begins to talk. You go onto the bus and drive to the city centre and you are laughing and talking so much. He is so funny and really kind to you! The bus arrives and you get out of it. You look at him and he gentlemanly takes your hand. Your hands are crossed. They become a little bit wet because you are so nervous but after a while you begin to relax. You go through the whole city whilst holding hands and talking and looking at each other and he shows you some sights of Dublin. You feel so comfortable. You get to an ice cream shop and he smiles at you and you say:”Today I'm gonna pay.” He smiles at you again and says:”(Your name) I am the boy so put your money away I'll pay!” You:” But I feel bad when I not pay and you always pay. Next time okay? I swear!” He grins and nods you get some ice cream and you go into a park. You look at John and he winks at you. He has this beautiful smile and he is so funny! You like him really much and now he looks as well in your eyes. It's official now:You definitely LOVE him! ♥ You feel so good and he just looks at you and you melt like your ice cream. He takes a spoon and he takes also a little bit of you ice cream and he begins to feed you. You do it back and he smiles with his wonderful smile. You totally fell in LOVE with him....♥

You sit there on a bench and it's very hot outside so it's good that you wear the hot pants. You still get feed from John with your ice cream. It is so funny like in those films you watched and you need to laugh while thinking of that. John:”Why are you laughing? Oh god you don't like it right?” He is so cute when he thinks so much about something that doesn't matters but to calm him down you say what you were thinking:”I just thought about the film where a couple fed each other with ice cream and now I make it too and before a couple of years I laughed at them. But now I know why they did it.” John:”Okay cool.” You eat the ice cream and there is a long awkward silence between you just some people walking trough the park and some birds who tweet. You look around you and you feel an arm softly get around your back. You look at him. His view is so deep like he is really in love with you. You look at him and you sit there just looking at each other again. Then you see that he wants to say something. John:”(your name) I need to tell you something!” You think about what he gonna say and you see that his eyes are like shining brighter than every star. You are totally in love with him. You feel tingly inside and you just want to know what he wants to say you. John:”Sooo...You know I like you so so much...” You:”But...?” John:”There is no 'but'! I think I totally fell in love with you. What I mean I doesn't only like you...I think I love you...!” Everything in you feels like it's exploding of happiness. He loves you? Is this real? You can't say a word. You can not even think about something you are just happy. John:”Good that I said it. I think I had to do this...but what do you think about it?” You:”Me??? John....” You look deep down in his eyes and then you both slowly lean forward and you hear his heart beating so loud. You look at him and he looks in your eyes too. You just whisper :”I love you...” and then your lips finally meet. You feel him on your lips. He kisses you so softly. You both closed your eyes and it feels so lovely like he kisses you. On of his arms is around your waist and the other one is softly pushing you tighter at your neck. You feel just his lips on yours. It feels like ages until you softly get pushed away by him. You don't notice something else then John. You look at him and he begins to smile. A smile that is so lovely. You've never seen such a smile before. You feel so comfortable in his arms. You look in his lucky green eyes which say every word he is thinking of until he says:”I-I I think I really love you! You are amazing...♥” You:”John you are amazing. I really love you too!” You both just sit there with his arm around you watching each other until it get late. You notice that and you say:”John? It’s getting late I think we should go back.” John:”Yes you are right honey.” Honey? SERIOUSLY HONEY? Does he wants to kill you. He is so nice and cute and lovely and he is YOUR boyfriend. You go back and you hold each others hand. You talk about some stuff when you are on the bus. John:”So what is about the film-watching-thing?” You.”If you'd like to you could stay with me.” John:” when do I have to leave just that I can call mum.” You:”Next morning?” You grin and he grins back. You think about that you have just told him he could sleep at your house. Well tomorrow you have no school and he is your boyfriend so why not? John:” I'd love to...but is your mum alright with that?” You:”wait a minute.” You take out your phone and call your mum: You:”Mum I love you!” Mum:” What do I have to pay?” You:”Nothing it's cheap.” Mum:”What?” You:”Maybe John could stay the night? We won't do anything. I swear and tomorrow is no school and I....please mum!” Mum:”I trust you my girl. So yes. I think he is a nice guy I will ask Susannah. Wait she is sitting beside me.” She mumbles something. Mum:”Yes John is also allowed. See you later. Bye” You:Thank you mum! Love you bye”. You look at John and begin to smile with the brightest smile you have got. You:”So Mr. Grimes...Would you stay with me tonight?” John:”It would be a pleasure for me and I swear I behave myself.” He laughs and so do you. You sit there and talk about so many things. All the time his arm is around you. You love this feeling. You sit there again and suddenly he begins to shake you and screams:” GUESS WHAT?!” You are shocked and you don't know what he wants to say. You:”What???” John:”I love you!” You:”Awww that is so cute but don't shock me like that.” You grin and he leans forward and kisses you again. It's a long kiss but only with your lips kiss. Well ONLY is not that right word but you think about kissing him with tongue. But then you think you would die if he would do this so you enjoy the kiss. His lips are so soft! He looks at you another time with a very cheeky smile and you just say:”What?” John :” I love to kiss you!” You:”Do it there is no need to stop.” He grins and your lips meet again and again and again. You don't remember that you are on the bus and you don't see that Julia and Vany got onto it. So they see everything but then John sees them and smiles at you and stops to kiss. You look at him and you both begin to laugh. John:”Look at their faces. Hahaha It is so funny!” You:”YEAH! Look how jealous they are. Okay they need to be, because I have the best boyfriend in the world!” John:” Awww sweetheart are you kidding me? Your lips feel so soft and I could kiss them all day long!” He grins at you and winks at you. You feel very happy with him. You just kissed a boy for the first time in your life.

...You get out of the bus and he nicely grabs your hand. You go down the street and talk very much about normal stuff like school or music. You say to him:”Well John. What film do you want to watch?” John:”A scary one.” You:”Nooo...I am scared when we watch it.” John:” I know so you need me to save you. That is good I think so there is a reason for me to hold you tightly the whole evening.” He grins and you think that is kind of cute what he said but you don't have to watch a scary film you think that he needs to pull you tightly. In your opinion he could make that the whole time. You laugh a little because he is really cute and nice to you you feel comfortable in his arms and you just wanna say him that you love him so much like no one else but you are so shy and you don't know if it's the right moment. Other wise he said it a few times so there is no need for you to be shy but you just look at him and you need to smile because that hot guy beside you is your boyfriend. You arrive at your house and he says:”(your name) could we first go to my house so I could take some of my clothes that I need for tonight and we could search for a cool film?!” You nod and you go five meters to his house. You get in it and you directly go upstairs into their room. It's very silent in the house. You go into their room and you see Edward in his bed and he sleeps. He looks so cute when he sleeps. John carefully puts the blanket over him and grabs some of his clothes. You go out of the room and you go downstairs and get out of the house. You:”You are so careful with your brother John! You are so cute.” John:”Well I love him and he is my twin. Honey you are cuter than everything else.” You smile and you finally arrived at your house. John:”What should we tell them what we have done? Well we can't go in there and say:Hey mum we just kissed for the first time.” You:”We tell them that we had fun and that we were in the city center. Okay?” You smile at him and he smiles back and nods. You get in and your mums are in the kitchen and they drink some coffee. You smile at your mum and she smiles back. You:”Hey mum and Hey Mrs. Grimes.” Susannah:”Oh girl please call me Susannah. How was your day?” John:” Okay guys it was so cool. We both got an A in school for a presentation that we worked on and after school I showed (your name) the city center and we went in the park and we made so cool things. It was so cool!” Your Mum:”Well that sounds great. So you John gonna sleep here tonight? I hope you make nothing bad.” John:”I swear! We'll just watch some cool films together.” You smile at him because you know that you won't only do that together. Okay you won't sleep with each other but you will kiss him again and again. Thinking of that makes your knees shaking badly. You:”Okay. We will go upstairs now bye Susannah and please mom don't come in okay?” They both smile at you and you take Johns hand and push him upstairs. You go into your room and it is so amazing that you are alone now. You:”So what film did you choose?” John:”I have 'Titanic' and 'Twilight' and 'Love actually' and 'Mission Impossible'.” You:”Awww so much romantic films? I can't decide which I should choose.” John:”We can watch them all?!” You:”Okay let's do it. But first I have to get out of my clothes and put on some casual if it's okay for you?” John:”Of course you can doo. I will do it too. So I think I'll go into the bath..” You nod and he goes outside. You now need to hurry up. You choose some sporty hot pants and a cool but casual top. You watch yourself in the mirror and you think you are hot like that. The door opens and you see him in a very tight T-shirt and some jogging pants. He looks so damn pretty hot like no one else in the world could look like! He looks at you and says:”You still look so gorgeous!” He says that with a cheeky smile and you go to him and whisper:”John. A while ago I was a bit shy but I need to tell you that I love you so much!” He looks at you and winks at you and you feel like your legs doesn't exist or they are just melted. You feel his arm pulling you tighter towards to him. You feel his other hand softly stroking your face and then he carefully pulls you to him with his hand in your neck. Your lips meet and they open a little. You get in it and you like the way he does it. You feel his tongue on your lips when someone knocks on your door. IS SHE SERIOUS?? You:”Yes mum?” She gets in and says:”I decided to bring you something to drink and I wanted to say that I will go to a party tonight with Susannah...sooo you both are alone. I hope you gonna behave yourselves.” You begin to smile and say:”Yes mum. You know you can trust me! And John too!” He smiles and your mum says:”Okay guys. Bye. Have fun with watching films.” You:”Thank you mum! Have much fun with Susannah. Bye love you.” She gets out of your room and you look at John with the cheekiest smile you've got. He grins back and say:”Well (your name). I hope I can behave myself tonight.” You laugh and say:”I hope so too. Let's start watching the films. You put twilight in your DVD player and you and John go and sit on your bed. You sit just beside each other but then you feel he's getting a little bit nervous and a few moments later you feel his arm softly pulling you tighter. You sit there watching the movie. Well you don't really watch the film. You are exited about sitting beside John and you look at him. He sees this and begins to smile. He's now pulling you as tight as he can do and you feel so good in his arms. You hear his heart beating really fast and you say:”John is that your heart? Why does it beat so fast?” John:”That is all because of you. I am nervous when you are with me. You:”Awww don't be nervous John. I love you you know that and this will never change I think. I need to tell you a secret.” John:”You are so sweet. What is it?” You:”Well you are my first love and I think that is special. I'm very old fashioned I know that but I think in my heat it was love at the first sight.” Then John whispers:”I love you from the first second I know. I love you. You are so beautiful and you are mine. This is the best thing that ever happened. I love you.” He carefully leans forward and kisses you. You feel his lips touching yours so softly like never before. You can't stop kissing him and then he says:”Where did we stop..” You kiss him and he can't even speak but then his finishes his sentence “... when your mother walked in?” You kiss him again and you get into it. You feel his tongue softly slighting over your lips. You open your mouth a little bit and your tongues meet and it feels like they would explode in your mouth. You forget everything around you. You feel him pulling you up on his lap, but he still kisses you whilst doing that. You sit on his lap kissing him more and more. His hands are in your hair like yours in his hair. You kiss each other more passionately. You feel his tongue and this is such an amazing feeling. You kiss a little bit less passionately and slowly push him back. He bites his lip and he says:”Well I think it is really hard to behave myself not to make anything bad.” You smile and start kissing him again he pulls you down on your bed trying hard not to pull your clothes off. You feel one of his hands carefully going under your top. You push him back for a while and say:”John..” He kisses you again. “...try no to...” He kisses you so you still can't speak. You softly push him back and say:”John, please try not to get me out of my clothes. I feel not old enough to do, what you wanna do. I'm sorry.” John grins and you look at him until he says:”You are so lovely. I don't wanna sleep with you tonight. I just want to have you closer and I want to have a lovely time with you. I don't think about sleeping with you.” You look at him again and pull him back and kiss him again. You lie still above him your hands tightly around him. Your kisses are so intensive that it feels like your mouth would explode in a few seconds. But in a good way. You feel totally comfortable whilst doing this. Finally you pull him up and stop kissing him. You look in his green eyes and you know he loves you like you do too. You just whisper another time:” I love you!” and as and answer you get a kiss from him and he pulls away for a second and says:”I love you too honey!” You feel great and then you both pull back and sit up again very slowly and you cuddle a little bit....♥

Now you sit there watching the film. Normally you would get tired but this kiss a moment before was so good that you just want to make it again and again. But you think you will behave your self and won't pull him down and kiss him again. You feel his arm around you. You never cuddled so long with a boy. He gives you a warm feeling inside that is indescribable. You love how he kisses you with his huge and soft lips. You love the way he holds you when you kiss. You love the way he looks at you and makes you nervous. You love the way he laughs. You love the way how careful he is with you. You love everything about him. Then your phone starts ringing. You take it and John is looking at you. You see that it is your mum. Why is she calling you. That is the reason why you have to get out of Johns arms. You:”Yes mum?” Mum:”Hey. I just wanted to say that I'll stay the night at Susannahs hose. I don't wanna wake you up when I will arrive very late. So please behave yourselves. I trust you. Love you” She hangs up and you need to smile at John because now you are all alone. The whole night long. John:”What was happening?” You:”Well. MY mum will stay the night at your house. She don't wanna wake us up.” You grin and he grins back and looks in your eyes. His view is so strong that you shyly look away. You gets hold on your waist softly coming closer to you. You both kiss again and you need to grin. He looks at you and asks:”Why are you laughing?” You say:”Mum said that we should behave ourselves and make nothing bad.” He looks at you and one of his eyebrows is slowly getting up. Wow! This looks cool you think. He leans forward and kisses you again and says:”Then I should stop doing that...” He kisses you and his tongue softly slides over your lips. You open your mouth a little and you feel this energy. He is the boy you love, you think at this moment. So your tongues collide and you love it. You feel him softly pulling you on his lap to kiss you more closer. You get on his lap and sit on him whilst kissing him. You feel amazing and you don't know where this will end in. Your kisses get very passionately. You have your hands softly going through his hair and his hands are nearly on your bum. You go on and on until you begin to sweat. You feel how nervous he is and say:”John...” He kisses you. “I love you...” He kisses you again. “Be can we please...” Another kiss “can we please stop?” He gives you a last soft kiss on your mouth and then he looks at you saying:” Did I made something wrong?” You smile at him and say:” No I just thought abaout what we are doing here maybe we take things a little bit to further?” John:”I don't think so...” and he leans again forward and kisses you. “Should I do something cool for you?” He grin and you say:”What is it?” John says:”Close your eyes (your name)..” You do it and he gives you an intensive kiss on your mouth. After that he kisses your cheek and finally comes to your neck. You like it when he kisses you there....! He leaves a path of wet kisses and you get wet too. Do you really do? You've never ever became before but you feel comfortable. You lie there and he pulls your top a little bit high to kiss your belly. You feel his tongue sliding around your belly. He just kisses you and does nothing else. He still doesn't touches the certain area and this is good because otherwise he would get to know that you became a little bit horny. He crawls up and kisses your neck again. You feel so good that you quietly moan:”Oh Jooohn...” He grins a bit and continues kissing you until he comes to your mouth again. You feel him kissing you so soft and then he pulls away for a second and says:”You moan so lovely...I have never done this before....but I like how you liked it.” He smiles and you feel slightly embarrassed about this moan thing and he sees it in your eyes. He kisses you again real soft and lovely and says:”Don't be embarrassed. I love it. Do it again.” You:”Should I moan your name? Now?” You grin and he kisses your neck and then you moan a little more quiet:”Joooohn...” He smiles and continues. You don't notice that it is in the middle of the night but you love him so much so so you just forgot the time. He stops kissing you and gets up and say:”I wanna drink something. What about you? You get up and you go into the kitchen. You take two glasses and drink some water. You talk about alcohol and that you both don't drink it. You get up again whilst holding hands. You sit down on your bed looking at each other until you say:”It feels like I would know you for ages...” John:”I feel so too. I have to tell you a secret too.” You look at him with some panic in your eyes until he takes your hands and say:”You are my first girlfriend and the first girl I kissed...” You look at him and you don't belive it. This hot guy never ever had a girlfriend? Okay you just say:”Why?” and he answers:”I was never interested but when I saw you in the morning I was thrilled. You looked so beautiful without some make up. You are the first girl that accepts me like I really am. In school me and Ed are always the cool guys but when I talk to you I always can be who I really are. You make me feel free and I never wanna lose you!” You look at him and you are nearly crying. Is he really so deeply in love with you? You feel the love between you and say:” are my world.” and then you kiss him softly. You also get back on your bed watching a new film. You cuddle the whole time and you just feel happy again. John is the best thing that ever happened in your live!

You sit there watching the whole night movies and you don't notice that you fall asleep. You dream about being a couple with John and making out with him and cuddling with him. This is such a wonderful dream you think!
*next morning* You wake up with a great feeling and you are happy. Last night was wonderful. You feel a hand on your waist and the other hand is softly stroking your hair. You slowly turn around and see that it is John. “Good morning sunshine.” He says this in such a cute tone that you could directly kiss him. You give him a tired smile and he says:”You look even cute when you just woke up.” You need to laugh a little bit and say:”Morning John.” He smiles at you and you just lie there and stare at each other. He still strokes your hair and one of his hands is on your waist and pushes you tighter. You smell something that smells like hot chocolate you ask him still in with a tired tone:”Do you smell it to or is my nose stupid?” Then he grins and says:”I made you some hot chocolate. I thought you'd like it.” You smile and think that he is so cute that he makes something to drink for you early in the morning. You both sit up in your bed but you are still under your blanket. It is kind of warm. Well you cuddled the whole night with him under it. You smile and take the hot chocolate from the little table beside your bed. You drink something and it tastes so good. You give John the cup and he drinks something too. But now he has got a little chocolate mustache and that is so cute because he doesn't knows it. You laugh and he asks:”What happened?” You:”You have there something over your lip. Wait I'll wipe it away.” You lean forward and kiss him softly and also kiss his little chocolate mustache away. You smiles while you do that. John:”Thank you for cleaning me up. I think I will often drink a hot chocolate until now.” You look at him and say:”You don't need to drink something to get a kiss from me.” You smile at him and he says:”Well the...” He leans forward and kisses you very softly on your lips. You grin, he grins and you are happy together. You say:”I am so proud of you John.” He looks a little bit weird and asks:”Why?” You:”You behaved yourself last night. You didn't even pull my clothes off.” John:”Well it was hard because you look so hot but I did it well I know.” He says that with a cheeky smile. You cuddle a little bit and then you decide to get up and make something cool together because there is no school today. You are happy with him and he with you too. You are talking about the dance group in school when you walk in a park. You:”So John tell me again about the dance group.” John:”Okay we have rehearsals tomorrow. You:”Cool I'm gonna be there when I'm allowed to. What type of dance is it?” John:”You are always welcome (your name). It is kind of freestyle dancing. It is just for our freetime that we can do something.” You:”Cool. I will be there!”. The day passes fast and in the evening you say goodbye to John and it feels like he would kiss you for ages. It feels so good when he does this. *next day* You wake up and the sun is shining. You get ready for school. John picks you up for school and tells you, that Edward is still ill. You worry about him but John says it is just a simple flue. You go into the school where everybody is watching you again. You feel amazing and John is always with you. You talk about something to Steph and you will meet in a few day. She is so happy for you that you and John are a couple now. Julia and Vany always give you really bad evils until John notices it and says:”Julia and Vany...We have seen you on the bus. You looked kind of shocked. Why?” Julia:”B-b-because you and (your name) a-and....” John:”Yeah? What do you wanna tell us now?” Julia:”Errrmm...” You need to laugh and so John does it too. John:”You know. (your name) is my girlfriend and it is normal to kiss a girlfriend right?” Julia:”...right...” You and John just go away and you say:”Oh John don't be so mean. She was nearly crying.” John:”Well she made you cry sooo....” You look at him and he kisses you and you kiss him back. You both go into the gym where you are totally alone. You put on some other clothes and you go to John who is totally exited. You ask him:”Why so exited John???” John:”You look even good in sport outfits. This is so unfair.” You look at him and see his abs through his t-shirt. You stare at them and say:”Is this your real body? Come on John!!” You both laugh and then he says:”So we try to dance today. First I wanna see you dancing.” He turns on some cool music and you start to dance. You feel a little bit awkward but after a few moments you like it. The song finishes and you stay there in front of him and say:”So coach. Am I good or am I bad?” John smiles and says:”You are the best dancer I've ever seen before.” You smile at him and think he is totally cute. Then you say:”So coach. Do you wanna dance for me?” He turns the music on and begins to dance. This is the first time you see a boy dancing so good. After his dancing part you say:”Well done coach. Maybe you can teach me how to shuffle like you?” John:”That would be a pleasure for me!” He shows you how it works and after a while you can do it perfectly. You have so much fun with each other. After like 2 hours you say:”So coach John when am I allowed to go to my boyfriend to kiss him?” John looks at you and smiles and says:” Now” the he pulls you softly tighter and kisses you. You got home and you think that it was a wonderful day too. You both go up to your room and you cuddle a little bit. After a while he says that he needs to go and you sit there and don't want him to go. You pull him down on your bed whilst sitting on top of him and your faces are near. You whisper. I don't want you to go now!” John:”I need to. Tomorrow we have school and your mum doesn't allows it too. I wanna stay but I can't.” You still sit on top of him and say:”Well then I think I shouldn't do this..” You lean forward and kiss him passionately. He kisses back and touches you everywhere. You kiss his neck and finally you pull of his t-shirt. You stare at his abs and you are thrilled. You:”John.... You look....Wow.” John:”What are you doing?” What when your mum comes in?” You:”Well she isn't here this evening until 10 pm. So there is no need to worry.” You kiss him again and he pulls his arms around you. You feel that he gets sweaty and you need to smile. You just want him NOW. You kisses get so passionately that you forget everything. His hand go wild through your long hair. Your hands are touching his naked top of his body. You just lie there and kiss so passionately like never before. You feel his hands going under your top. You both sit up but you still make out. You sit on his lap whilst kissing his neck. *beep.beep.beep. * His phone is ringing and he slowly pulls you away. It's his mum. He accepts the call and then after a little while he hangs up. You look at him and you still sit on his lap. John:”Sorry (your name). I really need to go. My mum asked where I am for such a long time. Sorry.” You:”Mmmmhhh...I know. But I thought you will go because you didn't liked it with me. I mean this thing before one minute right? Sorry if I was too intrusive.” He bites his lips and says:”Why shouldn't I? I was going to pull your shirt off. It's nothing wrong with you. You are my heart.” He puts his arms around you and kisses you very intensive. You both get up and you say good bye. He hugs you and kisses you on your forehead and says:”Good night sweetheart.” You:”Good night John.” You look after him he goes to his house. This was great what you did today!

.You are now alone at home and you feel also alone. You go in your room and listen to some cool music. Then you get a text massage. You look at your phone and it's from John. You smile and just feel happy again. You read it and it says:'Hey sweetheart. I got some bad news and some good ones. The good:Edward isn't sick any longer and the bad one:I won't pick you up tomorrow... Love you xxx' You feel lucky about Edward but you wanna know why he won't pick ypu up. So you write:'Say 'hi' from me to Edward and that I missed him :). Why won't you pick me up?' You stare at your phone and just two minutes later you get an answer:'He missed you too. Well my mum's gonna bring us tomorrow and there is no place left in our car. I'm sorry for that.” You write back:'No problem John. Will I see you then in school tomorrow and does Edward know about us?' You wanna know if Edward knows that you both are a couple and a few moments later you read an answer from John:'Yes we will meet in class okay? Yes he knows everything. I needed to say someone how much I'm in love..' You think it is so cute that he writes sooo sweet things. You write back:'Awww you're too cute for me John.' You directly get an answer:'No you are. I miss you sweetheart! ♥ xxx' This is the cutest thing ever and you just want to hug him right now. You write back:'Miss ya too John...♥' As an answer you get:'I think I'm going to dream about you now. Good night and sleep tight. See you tomorrow sunshine. Love you so much xxx ♥' You are totally in love with this cute boy. This is the first boy ever who writes soooo many hearts in a text to you. You just text back:'Nighty night John. Love you too ♥ ' You go to bed now and you sleep very well. *next morning * You get up and feel not very good. You get ready for school and take your music player to listen to Britney Spears because you are alone on the bus. You just have a strange feeling inside and you miss John. You get out of the bus and go directly into your classroom. John isn't there. Where is he? You sit down on your place and then you hear his voice. He talking with someone. WAIT....ISN'T THIS?? JULIA? You hear what they are talking about. They talk about Britney Spears. Wait....Is this the same he said to you before 2 days? Well maybe he just likes to talk about her. You get up and slowly go to the door which is open a little bit. You look trough a little gab and see them talking. You can see that Julia is trying to flirt with him. You feel a litte cut in your heart when he flirts back. You just look at them. They are talking about random stuff but the way they talk is shocking for you. You look at them and then you see Julia slowly getting near whilst John writes something on his mobile phone and after he puts it away Julia....WAIT...SHE IS KISSING HIM? You directly run out of the class you rum past John and Julia with tears in your eyes. She kissed him....on his are only allowed to do that. You run out of the school and on the street you just want to get away from here. You run down the street and then you hear John screaming:”(your name) WAIT!! IT WASN'T LIKE THIS YOU THINK OF!!” Yes totally. You always kiss boys when you just feel like you wanna do that. You don't wanna see him now. You rum so fast like never before but then you fell over and everything is black around you. You weak up and you hear a silent voice saying:”OH MY GOD (your name) are you alright??? You open your eyes and look in the amazing green familiar eyes. You begin to cry. Not only because your head hurts a lot. You also cry because of Johns kiss with Julia. “Shhh! Don't cry...I can explain everything but first we need to go home to lie you down on your soft bed. I'll be there for you!” You act like you don't want that he goes with you but your heart says that you want to be with him so badly so you just nod. You try to get up but you directly fall again on the ground. He catches you before you really fall and says.:”Okay...wait.” He grabs you on his arms and he carry you on them the whole way back to your house you fall asleep again. You wake up and you look again in the familiar green amazing eyes. “John....” He looks worried and says:”Yes sweetheart?” “Why did you do this? I mean you and ...just kiss...and me ...I thought we were....” He looks more worried that before. You are not angry about him but you just feel sad. You think about if he really loves you or if you were just one of many flirts...but John is different. You don't expect those things from him. He looks still worried and he is thinking about something until he says:”You need to know....I didn't kissed HER....SHE just kissed ME. I know its hard but I know you will believe in me.” You ask:”Why do you know that I will believe in you John?” He smiles a little bit and says:”Because you know that you are my world. My sunshine. You mean everything to me. I just love you and I think you know this right?” You have again this feeling inside. But not this bad feeling it is the type of warm and happy feeling that fills your whole body now. He looks at you and you say:”How can I trust you now again?” John:”I never lied to you! I promise. You were the first girl I've ever kissed in my life and it is good that it was you! I promise we will talk to Julia and say her that she should stay away from me and you because I love you so much like no one else!” You see that he is nearly crying and you think it is so cute and that you can really trust him. You feel amazing and you have this * I wanna kiss John now* feeling and he notices that and slowly leans forward and asks:”Am I allowed to do this? I am so sorry I love you (your name). Trust me.” You take one of your hands at his neck and kiss him softly. Your lips prickle like there were hundred of electrical shocks. He looks at you and you see that one tear drops out of his eye. You wipe it away and say:”John....I love you. I am serious.” John looks at you and you are nearly crying too. You try to hold it back but then one tera drop after another drops down on your face. He begins to smile and wipes the away. He says:”I only love YOU. No one else. You are my favourite girl. Don't cry. I'm sorry if I hurt you.” He looks in your eyes you feel a great feeling inside and then he says with the loveliest ton and with seriousness:”I love you!” He leans forward and kisses you. His first hand is stroking your hair and the other hand is at your neck pulling you against him. You feel his love and that he is serious in what he says. You begin to kiss passionately but always in a gently way. You feel him pulling you on top of him but then you moan in pain. You have a big wound at your back because you feel over a few moments ago. He sops kissing you and softly dresses your wound with a patch and you feel that he is so kind and gentle to you. After this you call your mum to tell her what happened and that you'll stay at home with John and she agrees. You cuddle with John and he says billions of times how sorry he is for what have happened. The last time he says it you just say “Shhhh John! I forgave you when you carried me back home. I love you. No matter what.” Then you feel his lips on yours and you feel happy again.

This was a bad day. You think about it but when you think about, that John cried because of you, you feel kind of bad but now you know that he really loves you. Otherwise he wouldn’t cry.
A few weeks passed and you and John are inseparable from now on. John and Edward haven’t talked to Julia and Vany until she did this stupid thing. Well Edward is always with you but he is like an older brother for you and you have much fun together. After this few days you wake up and get ready for school. You feel happy that John and Edward pick you up every single morning to go to the bus. The door bell rings and you say bye to your mum and get out of your house. First you hug Edward and then you hug John and give him a kiss on his cheek. He smiles and he grabs your hand. You walk to the bus and talk about some random stuff like homework and music. But after a few minutes John says to you:”Well...(your name) I know you don't wanna talk about it but I think we need to.” what is he talking about?? What is going on here? Will he leave you? You look at him with a shocked face. The he continues and says:” We need to talk to Julia about what she did! I wanna tell, her that I only love you and when it is okay for you it would be nice when you go with me to tell her.” He looks at you like he expects that you say something now. “'s 3 weeks ago so I think I won't slap her directly.” You smile and he says:”So can we do it today?” You nod and you begin to talk about some other things. * At school* You go into the class like every other day. You don't like Fridays really much because in the first two lessons you have got maths. But with John and Edward it's always so much fun. Edward is so cute when he tries to understand something but he won't ,so after it, he is always a kind of sad but he just acts like this and this is so funny to watch. In your spare time after this two lessons John says to you:”Now or never?” You smile and he takes your hand and you both go to Julia. John says in a serious tone:”Julia. Can you please come out with us. We need to talk to you.” He is so serious like never before. You feel that he is nervous and you softly stroke the back of his hand with one of your fingers. He looks at you and you smile and he smiles back. So Julia follows you outside and is looking at you. She looks really arrogant and uninterested but in her eyes you can see that she is really jealous on you. John begins and says:”So Julia you know why I am angry about you?” She looks away and says nothing. John says again:”Julia I am talking to you?” Julia:”What? That I did what you wanted to do for ages? I know that you love me.” He looks really annoyed at her and says:”What? You meant what you wanted to do?!” You stay beside him still stroke his hand. You can see that he gets angry. Julia:”Come on John. You know it too. Me and you we match perfectly. Look at her she is ugly and fat.” You feel sad about what she is saying. John squeezes your hand harder. Now you and Julia can see that he is very angry. You still stroke his hand and try to calm him down. Now he begins to scream a little bit:”Are you serious?? She is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She is naturally and not as fake as you. She is amazing so don't say something like that about her! WE are a couple and I love HER!!! Don't try to split us!! GET IT!! Me and Edward don't like you or Vany!” You need to smile and say:”I didn't make anything wrong. You were just so mean and maybe you are nice when you can get something or someone but I think boys don't like that type of girl.” You look at John and he smiles at you like he is proud to have you as your girlfriend. Then Julia says:”Urghhh...go away ugly bitch!” Now John screams:”SHUT UP!!! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT BEAUTIFUL MEANS!! I LOVE HER AND SHE IS MINE SO BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU SAY ABOUT HER!!!” The whole class is watching you now from the opened door. Julia is nearly crying and runs away. Vany runs after her and the class goes into the classroom again. You and John stay there and you are holding hands. “John???” John:”Yes??” You:”Thank you!” John:”I love you!” Then he leans forward and kisses you so you can't say that you love him too. You go into the class where everyone is smiling at you and Edward comes and hugs you cutely and says:”You are really beautiful! Don't listen to her! You are totally awesome!” You smile and say:”Thank you Ed! What would I do without you two?” John says:”You wouldn't have so much trouble.” You laugh and says:”But I also wouldn't have the best boyfriend and the best friends in the world.” He hugs you tightly. ----------------------------------------------- The weeks and months passed very fast so that you are a couple for like 9 months now. Nothing changed between you and John. You feel like on your first day you've seen each other. You are happy and no one in the world will ever split you up. 
You had got school today and after school you drive home with the bus and you talk about what you can do this weekend. You:”What should we do this weekend? Well I don't wanna annoy you so I will maybe stay alone okay?” John and Edward look shocked and say:”You?” Annoying?” You are our best friend!” You feel even more happy but then John says:”I asked Ed if it's okay that we both stay alone this weekend and he said yes. Well....I-I have a surprise for you. We just need the permission from your mum.” He grins and you feel even more happy. What will it be?? are a couple for nine months now. It is so long time. You just realize what he wants to do with you. You feel now nervous but so exited because you really love him. It's Thursday that means your mum isn’t at home until ten this evening. You ask him:”Will you come over this evening?” John grins and says:”Of course. Like every Thursday I guess.” You grin and he grins and Edward says:”What do you do together?? Are you still a virgin (your name)?” You look shocked and say:”EDWARD!! * whispering* Of course I am...” He grins and he mumbles something like:”Well that will change soon...” You need to smile and look at John and see that he blushed. You kiss him on his cheek and he blushes even more and then you say:”Awww John! Don't blush.” Then Edward says:”I think it's because of that he is a virgin too.” He needs to laugh and John blushes more and more and says:”Edward!!!” You see in his eyes that he feels uncomfortable and you say:”Okay Edward I think you are too??” You grin and he sadly nods. Then you three burst out of laughter. You don't know why but it is funny.

After you get out of the bus you say good byes to them and kiss John on his cheek. You go into your house and there is a little note from your mum on the kitchen table. 'Hey (your name). I'm at home at 10 pm. Some food is in the fridge. Love you xx' You think it’s cool that your mum is always so nice and friendly to you. She is a kind of a best friend for you. need to call her to get her permission to be with John on the weekend. You take the phone and call her. She takes the call and says:”Hey my little daughter. What’s happening?” You need to smile because she always tries to speak cool. You say:”Hey my lovely mum. Did I say that I love you?” She laughs and says:”What do you wanna have?” You laugh too and say:”Well...John asked me if I would make a weekend trip with him....alone.” She groans and says:”You know sweetheart....I love you and I know what you will do. I mean you are a couple for months and I really hope that you didn't do that yet” You laugh and say:”NO mum. He is not one of the guys who directly want to sleep with a girl. But maybe....well I feel ready for it. I'm 17 and I love him.” Your mum says for a long time nothing and then she says:”Do you know that I was 17 too?” You grin and say:”Is that a yes?” You wait for the answer and she lovely say:”Yes my dear, but I wanted to talk to you about some stuff when I'm at home okay?!” You smile even more and say:”Thank you mum! Thank you!! We totally can do that. I'm so nervous...okay I think you are not interested but:AHHHHH! “ She laughs and says:”Okay. Don't be too excited. I need to keep on working now. Love you (your name)!” You quickly say:”Love ya too mum.” and then she hangs up. The door bell rings and you know it is John. You run down to the door, open it and hug him tightly and then you kiss him. He looks confused but he kisses you back. You go upstairs and then he says:”Why so exited? Well I couldn't even say Hey to you.” You smile and say:”Okay ...hey John. GUESS WHAT!!” John:”WHAT???” You say:”I just called my mum and asked her for the permission and GUESS WHAT??” John:”WHAT?” You:”John? Could you say something else then what?? Okay well....she said YES!” He smiles and says:”So cool! I have a surprise for you. Well it’s nothing huge but I think you'll like it.” HE grins and then he kisses you softly on your lips. You say:”I haven’t ate something yet. I will die if I won't do it now. Is it okay when I eat something. You can get something too. “ You grin and pull him into the kitchen where you cook something for you too. don't really cook because you just put the finished food into the microwave and yes...ready. You stand there and you make a salad for you and you see that John is looking at you the whole time. But he looks at your bum. You turn around and say:”John???” He grins and says:”Do you know what?” You:”What?” John:”Your bum is the nicest bum I've ever seen.” You blush and turn around. He stands up and grabs hold on your waist. He hugs you from behind and you blush more. He says:”I mean it serious. You have a really hot body.” You look at him and say:”John?Look at you....I am always speechless when I just see your abs.” He smiles and says:”I only need to see you and I feel amazing.” You:”Aww John...don't make me blush again.” He grins and you finish cooking. You sit down and you eat something. Sometimes he feeds you and you feed him. Finally you are also ready with eating and he says:”Okay I just need the dessert.” He grins and you know what he means. You:”Let’s go upstairs and watch TV okay?” You go upstairs and you lie down on your bed. His arm around you and your head on his chest. You feel his heart beating really fast. He looks at you and says:”Can you hear what you do to me?” You need to smile and say:”And what happens when I do this...” You get on top of him and watch deep in his green amazing eyes. You kiss him and it gets passionately. You feel his tongue with yours colliding and it feels like the first time you did this. John:”(your name)...STOP!” You look very weird because you are weird. You stare at him and just one thought goes trough your head. What if he doesn't want to sleep with you what if he wants to split up? You just say:”You wanna split up at the weekend right?” He look at you and says:” Well yes and then I will tell you about my 10 other girlfriends. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???” You smile at him and you ask:”Why don't you want to kiss me? I thought....we...and...the weekend...” He grins and says:”(your name). Did I say how cute you are?” HE pulls you down for a kiss and you kiss now very softly and not as passionately as before but the kisses are very intensive and then he says whilst looking in your eyes:”I love you!” You smile and you realize that a tear is dropping down your face....You see him looking really confused. He wipes it away and says:”Why?” You don't know it but you feel very sad today. HE looks at you and says:”Do you miss your dad so much again?” You feel his hand stroking your back and another tear drop is falling down your face. He wipes it away and smiles a little bit. He knows you so good. “You are sad right?” he asks and you nod. “Why do you know it?” you ask and he answers:”First of all you cry. Then you ask me if I will split up and then you kiss me and you just do it without some love. You always behave like this.” You nod and he says:”Don't be sad! You will see him again. I promise. Maybe we both can visit him one time.” You feel lucky about John is your boyfriend and you smile at him and he hugs you tightly. After this he says:”I have to say you something...I love you! I never wanna split up with you. You are my life!” You feel that another tear is dropping down your face and this is just because of what he is saying. You say:”John...I love you” Then you kiss him and you both kiss for a moment. It's almost 10 pm so you both get up and you go downstairs. He hugs you tightly and says:”I already miss you sweetheart! I love you!” You say:”Awww John...thank you for being there for me! I love you honey!” You both lean forward and kiss so softly that your heart skips a beat. You feel his hand touching your bum and you grin. He pulls back for a second and then he says:”I need to go...I love you...bye...” He kisses you a last time and gets out of your house. You are in love with him

You go upstairs into your room and you turn on your laptop. It is very late but you hope that your dad is online. You log onto skype and he is online. You are very happy because you skyped with him the last time before one month and he doesn't knows about John and you. You need to tell him. You think you and John are a couple for nine months and your dad doesn't know anything. You call him and he takes the call and is very happy you say:”Hey dad! I really miss you! How are you?” He smiles and says:” Hey my little daughter. I'm fine and you? I just have like five minutes time to skype because I have a very important conference in ten minutes.” You think and you are confused. Really? A conference? At 11 pm?? Is he serious? But who cares...You talk with him about some school stuff and then you tell him:”Well....and there is a boy.” He is surprised and says:”A boy?” You grin and think that he thought you will always be his little girl. You say:”Yes his name is John Grimes and we are a couple for like...ermm....9 months..” He looks shocked now. Then he says:”NINE MONTHS? I didn't know anything (your name)? Well but at anyway...this is great news!! I'm so lucky for you!! I wish you the best of luck!” You smile but you think that he sounds very uninterested. Typical him. Then he says:”Sweetheart. I need to go now. I love you really much and we will skype again soon! I promise!” You say:”Okay daddy! I love you and I really miss you.” You see that he is sad and then he says:”I really miss you too my little angle! Love you bye!” He hangs up. You feel now good that you talked to him a little bit. You go into your bed and you are exited about the weekend. have only some childish underwear. You can't show yourself like this to John. You will ask your mum if she would like to buy you a new bra and some cool underwear. You are so exited. Your phone beeps silently. You look at it and it says that you got a new text massage. It is from John you read it and he wrote:”Honey...I miss you. I wanna feel you now. I need a big hug! Xxxx” Awww this is so cute you think and write:”I miss you too John! You will get the biggest hug ever tomorrow morning okay? Xxx” You only wait one minute and you get a text massage back:”Okay but I really miss you my beauty! Good night and sleep tight! ♥ xxxx” This is so amazing. You feel so in love with him! You text back:”Good night my amazing boyfriend. Sweet dreams ♥ xxx” After sending it you fall asleep. You dream about being on a cool weekend trip with John and then your alarm clock rings. You get ready for school and then you go downstairs to your mum. You say:”Hey mummy! How are you?” She smiles and says:”Good morning (your name). I'm fine. So you asked me something yesterday right?” You look st her and say:”Yes mummy...but?????” Mum:”There is no 'but'. I just thought about it and I wanna tell you something about those things when it is okay for you?!” You nod and she begins to talk about the whole stuff which you know since you're nine years old. After this you ask her:”Okay mummy. But I just thought about something different yesterday and I realized that my know...” She grins and says:”Okay...You wanna have some more women under wear?” You nod and you say:;”Maybe we can go shopping today?” She smiles again and says:”Okay...I'll pick you directly up from school when it is al right for you?” You:”Cool. Well I will go then now. Bye and mum I love you!” She smiles and says:”Love you too.” You go out and you wait for John and Edward. Then you see them coming out of there house. You go near to them and you say:”Good morning guys!” John come very quick to you and says:”I need it now.” You smile and hug him tightly and ha whispers in your ear:”Good morning beauty. I love you!” You kiss him and you leave the hug. You go to Edward and hug him a little less tight. You go to the bus like every morning. You hold Johns hand and you see that he is nervous. You go onto the bus and talk about some stuff. Then Edward says:”Well (your name). Are you allowed to be alone with John?” You:”Yep. I'm very lucky about that!” He grins and then Edward says:”Okay....Even when your mum knows you are a couple for like nine months and she knows what these types of couple do?” You see Johns blushing and you take his hand and stroke the back of his hand. You look at him and you look in his eyes. You feel that he gets comfortable again and then he says:”I wouldn't do something without (your names)'s permission. Because I love her.” He smiles at you and whilst he was saying this he stared at you the whole time and he didn't looked to Edward. The bus stops and you get into your class. You have maths like every Friday morning. In your spare time you say to John that you will buy something important after school and that you won't come to him this evening. He acts sad and says:”Nooooo...So you need to kiss me now.” You kiss him. It’s just a short kiss because you don't like to kiss in front of other people. After school you see your mum waiting in the car. You say bye to John and Edward and John says:”Can I pick you up tomorrow at 10 am?” You smile and say:”You can always come and pick me up for whatever you want. Love you John bye and bye Ed!” They smile and you get in the car and talk to your mother about the school. You finally arrive at a lingerie shop and you feel embarrassed to go in there. You look at all the bras and you think that you couldn't make a choice. Your mum says:”Okay I will pick something for you and bring it into a dressing room okay?” You nod and go into a dressing room. A minute later your mum comes back and gives you many bras. They look all cool. Your mum is very good in choosing things for you and he also knows what is up to date. You pull off your shirt and put on the first bra. It doesn’t fits well. You put on the next and the next and the next on. Then you put one on which fits brilliant. It is black and there are many little rhinestones. But not too many of them you show it to your mum and she says that it looks wonderful. You look at yourself in the mirror and see how cool it is to have some cool underwear. Your mum buys it for you and you go home. You make everything ready for tomorrow and you feel amazing. Then the doorbell rings. You go down and when you just open the door John falls into your arms. He says:”I missed you!” You:”Awwww....John....”. You go upstairs in your room and you watch TV. You lie there like everytime. His arm around you and your head on his chest. Then he kisses you at your head. You turn around and say:”John. What are you doing there?” He grins and says:”I love you everyday more and more!” You crawl up to him and kiss him. Your kisses get not passionately but you feel that he really loves you. With every single kiss he shows it to you.

Later the evening he went home and now you are excited about tomorrow. What does he want to do with you? Well obviously one thing but you are still not sure if he really wants to do this because normally he is very shy but not in your attendance. You fall asleep and you have s wonderful dream about being just with John alone. The next morning you wake up and you are in a very happy mood. You go down to your mum and talk to her a little bit. After breakfast you go upstairs and you take a shower. You shave yourself and after this your skin feels like the one from a baby. So soft and good. You go into your room and put on some amazing clothes. Okay they are not really amazing but they are your favorite clothes. You feel so good when you wear them. You feel happy and turn on some music. You dance like you are the best dancer in the world and after it you are breathless and lucky. Then you go and brush your teeth extra long to kiss John. You go into your room again and you log onto twitter. You read some tweets from your friends and you tweet some random stuff. You turn off your laptop and whilst you are doing this. The doorbell rings. You run downstairs and open the door. You look at John. He looks at you. You both begin to smile and then you fall in his arms and hug him. He says:”Hey ( your name). How are you honey?” You smile and say:”Now I feel good. Even better than before. I wanna know where we go John! Please tell me.” You beg him to say it but he still says nothing. Then he says:”So. Can we go? Where is your stuff?” You run upstairs and take your bag. You go down and smile at him. He gently takes your bag and opens the door for you. You shout :”Bye mum! See you!” She shouts out of the kitchen:”Bye guys!” You go out and you ask him:”Where are we going john??” He grins and says:”We don't go because we take the bus.” You go onto it and he still holds your hand. You sit next to each other and there is a looong awkward silence. Then he says:”Did you make math homework so far?” You moan and say:”Joooohn! Don't talk about it. You know that I hate math.” He laughs and you do too. You look out of the window and you don't know where you will go. After 30 minutes he says:”Okay sweetie. We need to get out of here.” You look again out of the window and see that you are at the beach. You've never been here before but it looks really cool! You get out of the bus and he softly pulls his arm around you. You feel so comfortable in his arms. You would run trough fire with him. You:”So we arrived John?” John:”I you want to stay here with me then I would say:Yes!” You:”No...You know I'm just here to see something else. What a question?!” He grins and says:” You know. We have here a little beach house down here and I thought it would be a little bit more romantic than always staying at home.” You:”Awwww this is so cute John!” You could melt now. It is very cute from him. You realize that you didn't kissed each other so far on this day. But there was not the right moment you think. You go down a street and then he says:”Okay we need to go this way.” He points at the beach. You are still in his arm. You feel that he is very nervous. You don't know why. It is weird today. You put off your shoes and you go down the beach. He still holds your bag and his arm is still around you. It is a beautiful day. Then you see a little beach house. He says:”Here we are.” He takes out the keys and opens the door. You go into it and it looks wonderful. He puts your bag in a corner and says:”Wanna go a little moment with me at the beach?” You nod and you feel that he gets comfortable now. You take his hands and your fingers link whilst you are doing it. The sun is shining and you walk down a wonderful beach with your boyfriend. Everything seems to be so unreal. You secretly look at him hoping that he won't see it. But he does and grins and then he stops walking. He puts his arms around your waist and he is pulling you tighter to him. Your foreheads meet but you can still look in each others eyes. You look again in his deep amazing green eyes which you know so good now. He begins to smile and you say:”What John?” He smiles brighter than before and says:”You always need to look at me. It is so cute! I need to say you something important!” You smile and say:”Say me everything you want. I will listen. It is music for me when you talk.” He smiles and then he begins to stare at you. He looks so lovely at you that you feel amazing. Then he says in a very serious tone:”(Your name)....I love you! I never want to lose you! I really really love you. I know it sounds old fashioned but you are my first love and I love you to be it.” You smile with the loveliest smile you have got and say:”John...I love you too and I never wanna miss you too! And today we didn't kissed once....I thought you would split up but now I feel amazing and this is just because of you.” He smiles and winks at you. You stay there and you hear the ocean making the typical wave sounds. You feel so deep in love. You still stay there and then he says:”Well...I can change the kissing thin now... and guess what? I will do it now but first I wanna say you again that I love you more than everything else!” Then he slowly leans forward and kisses you so softly on your lips. You take one of your hands and push him tighter in his neck. You wanna feel him. You wanna be with him. It is like a drug you think. Once you taste it you can't live without it. You still kiss him. Now his tongue is softly sliding over your lips. You slowly open your mouth a littl bit and then a bit more. You tongues collide and you feel an explosion in your mouth. You feel his hands going down your body. Finally they stay at your bum and you kiss a little more passionately. You feel him getting into it and say:”John..” He kisses you... “maybe we should go into..” another kiss...”into the beach house?” He smiles and says:”I'd really like to do. He takes his arm around you and you hug him the whole way back. You are at the beach house and now you get nervous....

You stay in front of the beach house and you grin. He grins back and then he says:”Wait here for a moment okay? I'll be back in one minute.” You sit down on a huge stone which is beside the house. He gets in and you just stare at the ocean. You feel happy with John and he is so cute. You feel someone is hugging you from behind. It is John. You lean back and he kisses you from behind at your neck. You smile and say:”What have you done in there??” He grins and takes your hand. You stand up and he says:”Come with me and you can see what I have done.” You walk trough the sand and hold his hand. He opens the door and you go in. There are some candles and some music is playing silently. You look at him and he grins. You go to him and put your hands around his waist. You look in his amazing deep green eyes again and then you whisper:”John. I love you.” He smiles at you, with this lovely smile he only has got. He pulls one wisp of your hair out of your face and softly strokes your cheek. You smile and he says:”I love you.” You feel that you want him now so badly that you need to stay calm. You look at each other and you feel that there is a really huge tension between you both. You slowly lean forward and so he does. You think that ages pass because you get so slowly close to each other. There is just one bit between your lips and then they finally meet. You kiss him and he kisses you. His tongue is sliding again over your lips. You open your moth just a little bit and then y little bit more so that your tongues collide. You have still your arms around his waist and he has one hand at your neck, pulling you towards to him and one hand on your hip. Your kisses get intensive. He softly pulls you on his arms, still kissing you. His hands are on your bum to hold you. Your legs are around him. He softly pulls you against a wall still holding you and kissing you. Then he goes through the room with you on his arms. He sits down on the bed, which is really huge. You sit on his lap and you are still kissing. Your hands stroke through his hair and he pulls you tighter with his arms. You whisper:”John...I know why we are here!” He smiles and kisses you then he says:” I thought about us and I want to show you my love. I thought that is the best way. But only if you want it too. I mean you don't need to do something you don't wanna do.” You kiss him and say:”I want!” He grins and kisses you. He slowly pulls his hand under your top and you smile whilst kissing. He takes it of and whispers:”Wow....” You hear in his voice that he is serious and you kiss him back. You both turn around that he is now on top of you. He kisses you. First your lips, then he goes down to your neck. “Ohhh John...” You moan silently. He knows that you get horny when he does it. He goes down and softly kisses your key bones and goes down to your boobs. He kisses them and then he leaves a wet path of kisses to your belly. He gets closer and closer to the certain area. He arrives at your jeans and he slowly undoes them. You can't do something. You just lie there and get kisses from John. You hold one of his hands and they link. He kisses you around this area. Your tights and then he cutely asks you:”Am I allowed to do this?” You say:”Yes John. Just do it.” He undoes your underwear and begins to kiss you at the certain area. You feel like in heaven . His tongue is sliding across it and then you feel one of his fingers gently sliding inside of you. “Jooohn...” you moan in love. He worries and says:”Should I stop? Do I hut you?” You bite your lip and say:”Continue please...” So he goes on and makes you moan again. He slowly pulls out and you try not to scream. You say:”John...don't stop. Do it again.” You feel now two fingers inside of you sliding around. Whilst he is doing it you kiss his neck. He gets more rough but you like it. You feel everything exploding inside you. You feel that you become wet and you blush. John sees that and says:”I love you.” You continue kissing his neck and he brings you to the highest point of feelings. You moan his name so loud that you are shocked about yourself. He pulls out his finger very gentle and kisses you there. His tongue is turning around and you feel indescribable. You become wetter and wetter. You really like how he does it. After e finishes he kisses up until he ends on your lips. You look in his eyes and whisper:”Thank you John....” He bites his lip and kisses you. Then he says:”I love you.” again. You pull off his shirt and look at his abs. Well you have seen them so often until now but in this moment you just can say:”Wooow.” He grins and you turn around that you now sit on top of him. You kiss his neck and he moans a little bit. You kiss and tough his abs. You go down to his jeans and you unbutton them. You pull them off and you crawl up to John again. Your kisses get so passionately that you can feel something growing up in his boxers. You smile and he blushes. You whisper:” I want you now.” whilst he is undoing your bra. He looks at your boobs and whispers:”You are too good for me.” You smile and he gets on top of you. He kisses your boobs and you feel one billion butterflies inside your stomach. You whisper:”John?” He:”Yes..?” You:”Do you seriously love me?” He bites his lip and whispers:”I love you sweetheart. More than any other one in this world.” You feel that you are getting wet again. You:”I want to do it with you now when you wanna do too?” He grins and says:”Only if you really want! I'd love to do it. You are the first one.” You bite your lip because it is so cute. He is so careful with you and you say:”You will be my first one. I love you and I really wanna do it now.” He grins and he kisses you again. Your kisses get so intensive and passionately that you begin to moan. You pull down his boxers and you see his pop rocket. You look in his eyes and you say:”John...can you please be gentle?” He bites his lip and whispers:”Whatever you want me to be. I be careful. Say if it hurts honey.” You kiss him again and then he says:”I love you with all of my heart. I never wanna loose you.” He says it so lovely and you say:”You are my world. I love you John.” He bites his lip and smiles. Then he asks:” Can know...” You quickly whisper:”Yes..” His pop rocket slowly glides into you. It doesn't hurt so you continue kissing him. Now he begins to thrust his hip and you feel so good that you moan: “Urghh...John...go faster.” He does and you both get into it. He moans your name. He moans with so much love. You think it will happen now. Again you reach the top of your feelings. John does too. A lot of sweat coming of you. You both moan and kiss each other. After you both calm down a little bit he collapses beside you. You kiss him and he kisses back. You feel amazing and you just slept with your first huge love

You wake up the next morning. You see a sunbeam shining through the curtains. You close your eyes again. You feel John behind you, hugging you from behind. You think about last night. You and John slept the first time in your life with each other. It was amazing. There are no word to describe how much you love him. You feel that he is already awake. What should you do now?...You moan a little bit tired like you just got up. John is moving calmly and kisses your neck. You love when he does it. You move a little bit and then you hear him saying:”Good morning sunshine!” You need to smile and you turn around and look in his eyes. He cutely smiles at you and you say:”Morning..” You are very tired. But you are so happy. You look at each other and you feel not embarrassed. Some girls always said that there is a long awkward day after you slept with your boyfriend the first time, but you feel that everything is alright. He looks at you and says:”(your name...last night...well for me it was” You can't say how cute he behaves. He is soooo sweet. You always thought he is a little more rough but he isn't! He is so lovely and cute and he is just...indescribable. You say:”For me it was amazing! I loved the way you did it and if it was for you okay and if I was okay too everything is fine...” He looks at you and starts laughing a little bit. You ask:”What?” He cutely says:”You didn't were just 'okay' you were amazing!” You laugh and say:Okayy...When you think so.” He grins and laughs again. Then he says:”It is too funny. We are talking about who was better.” You laugh even more and say:”Hahaha..Yeah! We should stop it.” You lie there in Johns arms and he kisses your head for like hundred of times. You love it. Whilst he is kissing you he strokes your back. The butterflies are very hyperactive you think. They won't stop flying in your belly. *beep beep * Your mobile rings and you are really annoyed. John laughs and says:”Nooo..don't leave me!” You look at him and you go out of the bed. You take the call and say:”Hey mum. Whats up?” Mum:”Hey sweetheart. I just wondered if everything is alright with you two.” You:”Yes of course. Yesterday was amazing.” Whilst you are saying this you look at John and he grins. Mum:”Well okay. Please don't come back too late. 11 pm is the latest time you are allowed.” You:”Sounds great mum. Love you. Bye!” Mum:”Bye.” You look at John who bites his lip. You realize that you only wear your bra and your underwear. You blush and he says:”Have I said how hot you are?” You blush even more and then he says:”Come to me sweetheart.” You get into the bed and you are still embarrassed. He looks in you eyes and says:”You are very sexy...I just want you to know that.” You blush and he says:”It is so cute when you blush. This is what I love about you. You just blush for everything.” Okay now you need to be so red as a tomato. You blush and blush and blush again. John:”Do you know what I want to do now...” You look at him and say:”Yes!” You climb on top of him. You feel him touching your body and then you lean forward and kiss him. First you kiss slowly and soft. After a little while it gets rougher and passionately. He moans your name and kisses your neck. You kiss his abs and stroke wildly through his hair. You kiss for a while and you feel each other so close. You get a little bit sweaty because you both really get into it. You see that a bulge is growing up in his pants. You think that you should revenge for last night and you slowly guide your hand into his boxers. You feel his pop rocket. He moans:”Oh yes....Go on...” But now you have the problem, that you haven't got any idea how to do it. You kiss his neck and whisper:”Help me I...erm...don't know how.” He wraps his hand around yours pulling it up and down. You go on alone and he just lies there and moans loudly. You get a bit more rough and he reaches the top of his feelings. You feel something at your hand which is not very cool but you go on for a little while and then you pulls your hand out of his boxers. He is breathless and says:”Oh my god...thank you. Just do it again.” You need to grin and you are a little bit proud of yourself. You kiss him and you cuddle for a while. You talk about so much stuff and he say for like billion times that you are hot and cute and lovely. 

...“You are sexy and you are mine!“ John says cutely. You laugh and say:”Okay John. This was like the hundred time you said that. Stop it!” He laughs and says:”Guess What?! You are sexy and miiiine!” you laugh and then he begins to tickle you. You begin to laugh because you always need to laugh when someone does it. Breath ´less you lie there and he laughs. You say:”John...This wasn't funny.” He grins and says:”But you laughed...” You smile and then he says:”Wanna go a little bit. I mean just outside the house.” You say:”Yep. Wait I need to get dressed.” You go into the bathroom and make yourself as beautiful as possible. You go out and see John sitting on the bed. You run up to him and sit down on his lap. “I haven’t said how much I love YOU!” HE bites his lip and looks in your eyes. You feel the hyperactive butterflies again. He says:”I know it. Otherwise you wouldn’t have done what you did last night.” You look shocked at him. “I didn't mean it like this. I mean you wouldn't trust me if you won't love me and I really love you too...okay it's confusing I know but I just wanna say how much you mean to me.” He is so sweet! “A-a-and if you love me....would you kiss me now?” he asks. You smile and say:”Mmmmh let me think....” You lean forward and kiss him on his lips. He grins while you kiss him and then you get up. He looks at you and says:”What are you doing?” You smile and say:”We couldn't kiss the whole day long inside of here. Come on. Let's go outside!” You gab his hand and you open the door. The sun is shining and the weather is just fabulous. You say:”Look. It is sooo wonderful here! I love you for bringing me to this place.” He smiles and say:”Only for that?” You grin and say:”Yes of course..haha are you joking me? Like one minute ago I said I love you.” He laughs and then he places his arm around your shoulder. You hug him from the side. This comfortable feeling is what you love too. And of course his character and his funniness and hundred of other things. You go through the sand with naked feet. It feels cool and you get closer to the water. Then John says:”I bet you are scared about water..:” Then he takes you on his arms and runs into the water. You scream and laugh. He runs into the water and falls over. You both laugh and say:”Oh god John!” You laugh even more and John does too. You still lie there. The water is not very deep but you are totally wet. You laugh and John still lies on top of you. You look in his eyes and he smiles. Damn...the butterflies won't ever stop. Then he very cutely says:”You said that we couldn't kiss the whole day inside of the house. But now we are outside..” You look at him and say:”Finally! I thought you will never say it.” You laugh and then you lean forward and kiss him. Your kisses get passionately and you don't think of that you are in water. You roll around in the water and you need to grin whilst thinking about it. You pull him away for a second and say:”Urm...maybe John...we should go out of the water?” He laghs and gets up and gives you a piggy bag. You hug him tightly from behind and you kiss his neck and he says:”Oh gos (your name) stop it!” You laugh and say:”Someones getting horny?” He laughs and says nothing. You say ask:”What are we doing now?” He keeps you into the house and says:”Well..I can't leave you here in wet clothes. Sooo...” He kisses you and undoes your top. You grin and undo his shirt. You pull him on the bed and undo his jeans as well. You kiss him all the way down his body then he says:”We forgot your jeans. We won't you to become ill right?” He grins and undoes them too. You kiss him softly. Your tongues and your lips feel so...amazing together. Your hands stoke trough his hair. His hands are around your waist slowly going down and touch your bum. You kiss him so lovely and he is so careful in what he is doing. “(your name)....” he whispers. You stop kissing and look in his eyes. “Yes...?” You say and he whispers:”Thank you...” You look at him and ask:”For what??” He smiles with this lovely smile and says:”For everything!” You smile and kiss him as lovely as you can. You make out for awhile and after being breathless you look at the clock. It is almost 9 pm. You say that you need to be at home at 11 pm. And you slowly leave the beach house. In front of it you say:”John....Thank you!” He smiles and asks:”For what honey?” You look in his deep amazing and wonderful green eyes and say:”Thank you, for making my 'New beginning' becoming so special! Thank you for last night and John...just thank you for being John and don't acting someone else.... I love you!” He smiles and says:”I love you sunshine!” You both lean forward for a wonderful and long kiss while the sun is going down.......♥

* The End...♥ *