Complicated Friendship - @CrazyJedFiction

“(YN) it’s time to stand up, they are here” Susannah tells you.
You live with Susannah, John and Edward and Kevin since your parents died in a car crash a few months ago, but you know them for ages, because Susannah was your mother’s best friend. She promised your mum she would always take care of you if something would have happen to her and your father, and so she did. She treads you like her own child and you get so much love from her. John and Edward are your best friends, but you don’t get along with Kevin very well. Today is the day, you will move out from their house because your aunt and uncle now have custody of you “Susannah I don’t want to move in with them” you tell her. “I know, but at least you live next door” “I’ll miss you and John and Edward like crazy” “and we will miss you too, I love you (YN) you can always come if you need somebody to talk to” “thank you”
Later that day
You’ve just moved in with your “new parents” and unpacked your stuff whilst somebody knocks on your door. “Come in” you say. “I thought, it would be a great idea, if John and Edward would sleep over tonight, I know it’s hard to move in with somebody you don’t really know, I want you to feel welcome here” your aunt says “ok, thanks I’ll ask them thanks again” you tell her, you try your best to be nice to her, because she is really trying her best to make you feel comfortable around them, but she clearly can’t replace Susannah or your mum.
So you buzz John and Edward if they want to sleep over, they tell you that they will come over in a few minutes. 2 minutes later John and Edward knock on your door. “Hi, (YN) long time no see” Edward says. You hug both of them. “Are they like nice” John asks. “They are trying their best” you answer him quickly. “Let’s watch some movies” you say. You all sit down on your bed and watch a movie, after a while of watching Edward say “this is getting boring, I need some action” you laugh. “Well tell me then, what do you want to do?” you ask him. “How about playing truth or dare” he says. “Fine, but it’s your turn first” you say. “John are you ok with it?” you ask him. He nods his head. “So Edward truth or dare” “Dare” “I dare you to kiss Johns feet” you say. “I’m not going to do it” he says. “Edward I dare you to” “fine” he says and quickly kisses Johns feet. You and John burst out in laughing. “It’s your turn (YN), truth or dare” Edward says. “Dare” “I dare you to kiss John, on the lips” “Edward this is not fair, I’m not going to do that one” “ok, you bore” he answers. “Oh god, fine I’ll do it, ready John?” you ask him as you lean in to kiss him.
You quickly kiss him on his lips. It wasn’t that big of a deal, just a simple peck. Whilst you pull away from John you see his eyes are still closed. “John, it’s over, you have suffered enough” you say and laugh. His face slightly blushes. “Ok” he says. “Ok, lovebirds I’m tired. Let’s go and sleep” Edward says and lays down on your bed. (Your bed is big enough for 3 people) you lay down next to Edward and John lies down next to you. After saying good night and talking to each other for a long time, John and Edward fall asleep, but you are still awake. Something was wrong; John was acting weird after you’ve kissed him, could he be just maybe in love with you? And if he is, Edward would know.
The next day
you wake up still laying in the middle of your bed, but Edward and John are already gone. You see they left you a note which says “sorry, mum called something’s wrong with Kevin, we will call you later xx John” well, at least they left a note you think. You stand up and head downstairs, your aunt is sitting on the sofa. “morning (YN), John and Edward left 2 hours ago, didn’t want to wake you up, because I want you to enjoy you holidays as much as possible” she says. “Morning, yeah thanks” it’s awkward living with your aunt and you’ve never seen your uncle since you moved in with her yesterday.
“I’ll go outside for a bit” you tell her and leave. You need to talk to John about yesterday, you don’t want him to get the wrong impression, because you love him as a friend and you don’t want to lose him. You knock on their door, John opens it. “Hi John, we need to talk about yesterday please come outside for a minute” “ok” he puts on some sneakers and comes outside you both sit down on the door steps. “John, the kiss yesterday wasn’t a big deal, ok; we are still friends aren’t we?” “Of course” he says but you can hear the disappointment in his voice.
“Edward and I are going to fly to the UK tomorrow for the X-Factor-Auditions, so we need to practice a little bit- we will call you when we are back in town” he says to change subjects. “Ok, best of luck you both” you say whilst he leaves you sitting there on your own. Little do you know, you won’t see them for a long time?
Months later
your friendship with John and Edward changed, you never saw them since they become famous during X-Factor even though they finished in 6th place, they are now well known around the UK and Ireland.
You are happy for them, because their dreams are finally coming true but on the other hand you feel like you’ve lost them. You never felt this lonely in your whole life; you’ve been through a lot lately. Your aunt and uncle decided it’s best for you to live on your own, since you never actually got along with them. You like living on your own, but you have to work hard to pay all your bills and you have to live far away from your old hometown, because you can’t afford living there. Susannah calls you sometimes, just to talk to you and to make you feel good, but John and Edward well they are way too busy to call you anyway, at least that’s what you think.
After a hard day of working you sit down on your sofa and turn on your telly, you switch through a lot of channels, after you’ve found a TV show you really like you fall asleep whilst watching it.
After a couple hours of sleep, you wake up to the sound of your phone ringing. you then answer the phone call without looking on the screen “hi” you say still half asleep “hi(YN) it’s me John, sorry for waking you up” “John? Did something happen?” “No, nothing happened, I just wanted to talk to you again” “well, fine I don’t really have time for talking now” “please (YN) don’t hang up “then give me a reason to not” “I miss you a lot, like really miss you” “I miss you too” a few seconds neither of you speak anything. “so if I would be like in your neighbourhood right now, would it be possible to meet up?” he asks. “John, where are you” you ask him. “Open your door” he answers. You hang up on him and head to your door, could it be possible? Did he really come to visit you?
You open your door slowly as you see Johns standing right in front of you; he pulls you in for a long hug. “Sorry” he whispers in your ear. “At least you are here now, where is Edward?” you say whilst you pull away from the hug. “Edward… is sleeping…I couldn’t get any sleep so I asked mum for your new address and well she gave it to me, that’s why I’m here right now” “ok, come in make yourself at home” you reply. He sits down on your sofa you join him. “Any news?” you ask him. “Well, I’m famous now” he says. both of you start to laugh, he deeply looks into your eyes, his face blushes slightly, the last time you saw John like this, was when you pecked him a few months ago.
“John, is everything ok? You ask. “No… Well… I don’t know” he says. “You know John you can tell me everything, you and Edward will always be my best friends” you say. “I can’t tell you because we are best friends, I don’t want to ruin our friendship” he says. “John, what happened tell me please is this the reason why you and Edward are avoiding me?” you ask. “Kind of” he answers. “John, it’s because I kissed you isn’t it?” you say, he nods his head. “I knew it, the whole time I knew it I never should have kissed you!” you shout at him. “I can’t control my feelings ok (YN) it’s not my fault that I love you more than just a friend, ok” he whispers. “Oh, john please don’t cry” you say whilst you see tears streaming down his face. You then wipe away his tears. You’ve never seen John like this before; he gently takes your hand and links it with yours. “John, we shouldn’t…“but before you can finish your sentence he leans in to kiss you, you feel him kissing your lips but you can’t respond so you quickly pull away from him. “John, I cant… I don’t have feelings for you” you say. “Stupid me, I could get any other girl, but not the girl I want” he says. “I’m sorry” you say. He gives you a fake smile and say “you don’t have to be it’s not your fault, I need to go now” he says whilst he leaves you sitting on your sofa all by yourself again. This night you cried yourself to sleep, your whole life seems to change but not in a good way though. You’ve pretty much lost everything you care about, and it’s killing you inside.
Weeks later
Lonely that’s what you are, you’ve lost your best friends and Susannah may never speak to you again. You can’t even look in the mirror because you hate yourself for what you did to John; deep inside you know you’ve always loved John more than just a friend. You never thought it was love but you can’t deny it any more. It was hard enough for you do tell John, that you don’t feel something for him even though you know you do. He may never speak to you again, because you’ve hurt him but you can’t cope your life without him and Edward. So you decide to drive to their house, you need to talk to them both, tell them you need them that your life isn’t worth living without them.
At their house
You slightly knock on the door, Susannah opens it. “Oh, Hi (YN), did something happen?” she ask as she is surprised to see you after a long time. “I need to talk to John and Edward, are they around?” you say. “Upstairs, in their room” she answers. “Ok” you say whilst you walk upstairs to their room. “(YN) COME BACK I DONT THINK ITS A GOOD TIME TO TALK TO THEM” Susannah shouts from downstairs, but it was too late you open their door without knocking. You freeze in shock as you see John fucking a girl you’ve never seen before. “WHAT THE FUCK” he shouts at you whilst he jumps off the girl. You feel tears filling up your eyes, but you just leave the room without saying something. That’s how much he loves you, after telling you that he loves you, he bangs a random girl. Tears stream down your face, it hurts so much. “(YN)?” Edward asks as he sees you standing there in the hallway. “Edward” you say, he hugs you tightly. “What happened?” he asks whilst he wipes away your tears. “I don’t know, can we talk” you ask him. “Yeah, of course lets go into the guest room” you sit down on the bed and Edward sits down next to you. “I saw John sleeping with that girl” you say. “Oh, that’s why you have been crying?” “I don’t know” you answer him. “He told me you don’t love him, but you do don’t you?” he asks. “Oh, Edward, I think I do, but now it’s too late”
Edward hugs you again. “I think you should tell him” he whispers in your ear. “I can’t” you say. “He loves you (YN), this girl doesn’t mean anything to him, and he is just trying to forget you believe me” he says. “Wait here” he says whilst he leaves to guest room.
After a while he comes back, John is standing right behind him. “You two now, talk with each other, no shouting no fighting, just talk please” he says and leaves to room.
“Why are you here” John asks. “I wanted to talk to you and Edward, John I miss both of you, I feel lonely I’m confused I don’t know” you say. “Why you have been crying?” he asks. “Because John I love you, ok” you say and look at him, he seems a bit shocked about what you’ve just told him. “You don’t love me (YN), you just want what you can’t get” he answers. “OH FINE JOHN, I HAVE ALWAYS LOVED YOU, DEEP INSIDE I KNEW IT THE WHOLE TIME, JUST SAY THAT YOU MOVED ON WITH YOUR LIFE” you shout at him. “Well, I moved on… but I still love you” he whispers.
“come on John you can’t tell me you love me, you’ve just fucked a girl a few minutes ago I know you good enough that you wouldn’t be fucking her if she doesn’t mean anything to you” you say. “She doesn’t mean anything to me, I’m a GUY (YN) I have NEEDS” he answers. “Edward is a guy too and he doesn’t need things like this” you shout at him. He look at you with anger. “Then you should fall in love with him” he says. “John, please” you say trying to calm him down a bit, but he ignores it and tries to walk out of the room but you stop him, by jumping in front of him. “Don’t leave me, John I need you please” you say whilst looking deeply in his beautiful green eyes. “Tell me a reason not to leave now” he whispers.
You wrap your arms around him and pull him in for a long hug, “because I need you John, I can’t life without you” you whispers in his ear. He pulls away from the hug and smiles at you whilst he leans in to kiss you, as his kissable lips touch yours, you get a weird feeling inside your stomach, now you can’t deny it anymore you know now that you love him even more then you thought before, the kiss gets more rougher after a while but you are still enjoying every second of it. John lifts you up whilst he still continues to kiss you and puts you down on the bed and lies down on top of you, you feel his hands touching your whole body. “I’m not ready for this John” you say in between his kisses. He stops kissing you and gives you a shocked look. “I’m not trying to do anything, I’m just kissing you ok” he says. You smile and start to kiss him again after a while of snogging in bed you both get up to go outside for a while.
Later that day
you’ve spent most of your time today with John in your apartment, you’ve talked to him for a long time, and you’ve both decided to give it a go. You know you love him and so does he. You’ve asked John if he would sleep over tonight but he said he doesn’t want to rush things with you as he leaves he kisses you again and wishes you a good night. You can’t believe how perfect this day has been and how lucky you are to have John. You sit down on your sofa and you see John forgot his phone; you take a look on the screen and see that he has got 1 new text message. Should I or shouldn’t I? You think but then you decide to open it. It says “hope you’ve told that girl about us, come home soon, I’m still waiting here and Edward is not funny at all xx Sophia it says. You can’t believe what you’ve just been reading. Who is Sophia?
Tears stream down your face, so that girl you saw who was sleeping with John wasn’t just a random girl, she was his girlfriend. You then text Edward from John’s phone “Edward? tell John he forgot his phone! by the way Sophia doesn’t think you are funny at all -(YN)”
you quickly grab your bag and your car keys, you just want to be alone for now, you know John or Edward will come over as soon as they read the message you’ve just sent. As you drive down the road, you see a car driving faster and faster and all the sudden it crashes in to your car. Your feel a sharp pain in your chest, whilst your sight goes blurry and you pass out.
Meanwhile at John and Edwards*
“John, she knows you forgot your phone” Edward says to John as he walks into his room. “I’m fucked, she won’t believe me” he says. “You’ve got to drive to her place and explain everything John, you can’t risk losing her again” he says. “I know Bro” John says and leaves they house, as he drives down the road he sees people gathered round two car, he quickly gets out of the car as he sees it’s your car, he sees you laying their on the ground blood all over your whole body, paramedics taping up your wounds. “Is she going to be fine” he asks in shock. “Do you know her?” they ask him. “She’s my girlfriend” he answers. “She lost a lot of blood Sir, we have to get her to the hospital as soon as possible, and will you be driven with us” they say. “Of course” he replies tears streaming down his face. He thinks it’s his fault that you are laying there and may never wake up again. They whole way of driving to the hospital he holds your hand; he quickly kisses your cheek before the doctors tell him to get out.
You wake up, your head is pounding like crazy, you don’t know where you are all you can remember is the car who crashed into yours, you try to sit up but a sharp pain in your chest stops you from doing it. “Lay back down (YN) everything’s goig to be fine” John says as he slightly squeezes your hand. “John?” you say, you remember the text you’ve been reading yesterday. “Is she your girlfriend” you ask him “she was my girlfriend, but believe me (YN) nothing happened after you told me you love me, I would never cheat on you” he says whilst looking worried at you. “Go John you lied to me the whole time, I don’t need you in my life anymore, just leave” you say. “I promised you (YN) I’m never going to leave you again, even if you tell me to I’m not going to leave now, because I know you need me” he says with a calm sexy voice. You know it’s true, so you quickly smile at him, even though the pain of your wounds is killing you.
Two weeks later
you can finally leave the hospital even though your wound are still hurting like crazy, but you are glad John stayed with you the whole time. You love him but you still don’t know if he told you the truth and if he is being honest with you.
John insisted that you are staying with him as long as you can’t take care of yourself, so you will be staying at their house with Susannah, Kevin and Edward.
Susannah knows about you and John and she is not very happy about it, but she also told you that she will always take care of you even if thing with you and John don’t work out.
At their house
John carried you upstairs in the guest room well actually it’s your old room you used to stay there when you lived with them. “Should I go” he asks. “No, not now” you reply. He lies down next to you. You lean in to kiss him, your lips touching his, your tongues start to fight with each other this moment feels so magical. John then starts to kiss your neck, which makes you moan quietly. You know you want him now, you are desperate for his touches, but you also know that you won’t be able to sleep with him as long as you are in so much pain. “John, I can’t…“you say. “Just relax (YN) you don’t have to do anything” he says. He continues to kiss your neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses behind. His hand slowly moves further down, he then unbuttons your skinny. “I’m not going to hurt you, ok” he says whilst he gently takes off your underwear.
He kisses you all the way down to your “area” he stops and asks you I’ve you are ready. You nod your head, you can feel his warm tongue moving around your “area”, and it feels amazing. “F… aster John” you moan out loudly as you reach your orgasm. Your whole body starts to shake. The first time in 2 weeks you don’t feel any pain just pleasure. He gently puts back on your underwear and skinny and lies back down next to you; he kisses you again and falls asleep next to you.
You gently move your finger through his hair, it feels so good to be around him and to be able to spend something so wonderful with him, but there is something still bothering you.
Weeks pass by you are feeling better with each day. John uses to take care of you when he is at home, when he is away Susannah does. You like spending time with Susannah, she is a good listener and you can talk to her about everything, but even though they do everything for you something’s still bothering you. You are not sure why but you know something’s wrong.
“Hey beautiful” John says as I enters your room, “I’ve missed you so much” you say whilst hugging him tightly.
“I’ve missed you to” he says and kisses you. “I need you now” you tell him. He looks at you with shock. “WTH? What happened to my girlfriend?” he asks with a huge smile on his face. “Your girlfriend is feeling better and she is desperate for your touches” you answer him. Your face slightly blushes. “Does my girlfriend like this” he asks whilst he starts to kiss your neck. Duran his kisses you start to undress yourself so does he. You gaze at each others naked bodies for a while then you lay down in bed, John then lies on top of you. “I promise I’m going to be gentle” he says whilst he enters you which makes you moan out loudly it hurts a bit, but after a while you start to enjoy it. It’s the most amazing feeling you’ve ever felt in your whole life, after a while both of you reach your climax, your whole body starts to shake slightly, but all the sudden you feel a sharp pain going through your chest, you start to breath heavily “John” you manage to say and then you’re sight goes blurry.
John’s Point of View
as we reached our climax, he looked at her. She was so beautiful but then she started to breath heavily, I could sense something was wrong, she just managed to say John, and then I laid on top of her lifeless body. I was in shock, I didn’t know what to do so I called the ambulance and checked if she was still breathing but she wasn’t. I cried, I was scared that she may never wake up again. I was scared I may never speak to her again, tell her how much I love her. It didn’t took long before the paramedic arrived. They tried to revive her for a long time. I knew she was dead but I didn’t want to hear it. “We are sorry Sir, but your girlfriend passed away, we are sorry for your lost” they said. “Please, go out I need a minute” I told them. I just looked at her lifeless body; “I will always love you” I whispered in her ear and kissed her for the last time.
“(YN) it’s time to stand up, they are here” Susannah tells you.
You live with Susannah, John and Edward and Kevin since your parents died in a car crash a few months ago, but you know them for ages, because Susannah was your mother’s best friend. She promised your mum she would always take care of you if something would have happen to her and your father, and so she did. She treads you like her own child and you get so much love from her. John and Edward are your best friends, but you don’t get along with Kevin very well. Today is the day, you will move out from their house because your aunt and uncle now have custody of you “Susannah I don’t want to move in with them” you tell her. “I know, but at least you live next door” “I’ll miss you and John and Edward like crazy” “and we will miss you too, I love you (YN) you can always come if you need somebody to talk to” “thank you”
Later that day
You’ve just moved in with your “new parents” and unpacked your stuff whilst somebody knocks on your door. “Come in” you say. “I thought, it would be a great idea, if John and Edward would sleep over tonight, I know it’s hard to move in with somebody you don’t really know, I want you to feel welcome here” your aunt says “ok, thanks I’ll ask them thanks again” you tell her, you try your best to be nice to her, because she is really trying her best to make you feel comfortable around them, but she clearly can’t replace Susannah or your mum.
So you buzz John and Edward if they want to sleep over, they tell you that they will come over in a few minutes. 2 minutes later John and Edward knock on your door. “Hi, (YN) long time no see” Edward says. You hug both of them. “Are they like nice” John asks. “They are trying their best” you answer him quickly. “Let’s watch some movies” you say. You all sit down on your bed and watch a movie, after a while of watching Edward say “this is getting boring, I need some action” you laugh. “Well tell me then, what do you want to do?” you ask him. “How about playing truth or dare” he says. “Fine, but it’s your turn first” you say. “John are you ok with it?” you ask him. He nods his head. “So Edward truth or dare” “Dare” “I dare you to kiss Johns feet” you say. “I’m not going to do it” he says. “Edward I dare you to” “fine” he says and quickly kisses Johns feet. You and John burst out in laughing. “It’s your turn (YN), truth or dare” Edward says. “Dare” “I dare you to kiss John, on the lips” “Edward this is not fair, I’m not going to do that one” “ok, you bore” he answers. “Oh god, fine I’ll do it, ready John?” you ask him as you lean in to kiss him.
You quickly kiss him on his lips. It wasn’t that big of a deal, just a simple peck. Whilst you pull away from John you see his eyes are still closed. “John, it’s over, you have suffered enough” you say and laugh. His face slightly blushes. “Ok” he says. “Ok, lovebirds I’m tired. Let’s go and sleep” Edward says and lays down on your bed. (Your bed is big enough for 3 people) you lay down next to Edward and John lies down next to you. After saying good night and talking to each other for a long time, John and Edward fall asleep, but you are still awake. Something was wrong; John was acting weird after you’ve kissed him, could he be just maybe in love with you? And if he is, Edward would know.
The next day
you wake up still laying in the middle of your bed, but Edward and John are already gone. You see they left you a note which says “sorry, mum called something’s wrong with Kevin, we will call you later xx John” well, at least they left a note you think. You stand up and head downstairs, your aunt is sitting on the sofa. “morning (YN), John and Edward left 2 hours ago, didn’t want to wake you up, because I want you to enjoy you holidays as much as possible” she says. “Morning, yeah thanks” it’s awkward living with your aunt and you’ve never seen your uncle since you moved in with her yesterday.
“I’ll go outside for a bit” you tell her and leave. You need to talk to John about yesterday, you don’t want him to get the wrong impression, because you love him as a friend and you don’t want to lose him. You knock on their door, John opens it. “Hi John, we need to talk about yesterday please come outside for a minute” “ok” he puts on some sneakers and comes outside you both sit down on the door steps. “John, the kiss yesterday wasn’t a big deal, ok; we are still friends aren’t we?” “Of course” he says but you can hear the disappointment in his voice.
“Edward and I are going to fly to the UK tomorrow for the X-Factor-Auditions, so we need to practice a little bit- we will call you when we are back in town” he says to change subjects. “Ok, best of luck you both” you say whilst he leaves you sitting there on your own. Little do you know, you won’t see them for a long time?
Months later
your friendship with John and Edward changed, you never saw them since they become famous during X-Factor even though they finished in 6th place, they are now well known around the UK and Ireland.
You are happy for them, because their dreams are finally coming true but on the other hand you feel like you’ve lost them. You never felt this lonely in your whole life; you’ve been through a lot lately. Your aunt and uncle decided it’s best for you to live on your own, since you never actually got along with them. You like living on your own, but you have to work hard to pay all your bills and you have to live far away from your old hometown, because you can’t afford living there. Susannah calls you sometimes, just to talk to you and to make you feel good, but John and Edward well they are way too busy to call you anyway, at least that’s what you think.
After a hard day of working you sit down on your sofa and turn on your telly, you switch through a lot of channels, after you’ve found a TV show you really like you fall asleep whilst watching it.
After a couple hours of sleep, you wake up to the sound of your phone ringing. you then answer the phone call without looking on the screen “hi” you say still half asleep “hi(YN) it’s me John, sorry for waking you up” “John? Did something happen?” “No, nothing happened, I just wanted to talk to you again” “well, fine I don’t really have time for talking now” “please (YN) don’t hang up “then give me a reason to not” “I miss you a lot, like really miss you” “I miss you too” a few seconds neither of you speak anything. “so if I would be like in your neighbourhood right now, would it be possible to meet up?” he asks. “John, where are you” you ask him. “Open your door” he answers. You hang up on him and head to your door, could it be possible? Did he really come to visit you?
You open your door slowly as you see Johns standing right in front of you; he pulls you in for a long hug. “Sorry” he whispers in your ear. “At least you are here now, where is Edward?” you say whilst you pull away from the hug. “Edward… is sleeping…I couldn’t get any sleep so I asked mum for your new address and well she gave it to me, that’s why I’m here right now” “ok, come in make yourself at home” you reply. He sits down on your sofa you join him. “Any news?” you ask him. “Well, I’m famous now” he says. both of you start to laugh, he deeply looks into your eyes, his face blushes slightly, the last time you saw John like this, was when you pecked him a few months ago.
“John, is everything ok? You ask. “No… Well… I don’t know” he says. “You know John you can tell me everything, you and Edward will always be my best friends” you say. “I can’t tell you because we are best friends, I don’t want to ruin our friendship” he says. “John, what happened tell me please is this the reason why you and Edward are avoiding me?” you ask. “Kind of” he answers. “John, it’s because I kissed you isn’t it?” you say, he nods his head. “I knew it, the whole time I knew it I never should have kissed you!” you shout at him. “I can’t control my feelings ok (YN) it’s not my fault that I love you more than just a friend, ok” he whispers. “Oh, john please don’t cry” you say whilst you see tears streaming down his face. You then wipe away his tears. You’ve never seen John like this before; he gently takes your hand and links it with yours. “John, we shouldn’t…“but before you can finish your sentence he leans in to kiss you, you feel him kissing your lips but you can’t respond so you quickly pull away from him. “John, I cant… I don’t have feelings for you” you say. “Stupid me, I could get any other girl, but not the girl I want” he says. “I’m sorry” you say. He gives you a fake smile and say “you don’t have to be it’s not your fault, I need to go now” he says whilst he leaves you sitting on your sofa all by yourself again. This night you cried yourself to sleep, your whole life seems to change but not in a good way though. You’ve pretty much lost everything you care about, and it’s killing you inside.
Weeks later
Lonely that’s what you are, you’ve lost your best friends and Susannah may never speak to you again. You can’t even look in the mirror because you hate yourself for what you did to John; deep inside you know you’ve always loved John more than just a friend. You never thought it was love but you can’t deny it any more. It was hard enough for you do tell John, that you don’t feel something for him even though you know you do. He may never speak to you again, because you’ve hurt him but you can’t cope your life without him and Edward. So you decide to drive to their house, you need to talk to them both, tell them you need them that your life isn’t worth living without them.
At their house
You slightly knock on the door, Susannah opens it. “Oh, Hi (YN), did something happen?” she ask as she is surprised to see you after a long time. “I need to talk to John and Edward, are they around?” you say. “Upstairs, in their room” she answers. “Ok” you say whilst you walk upstairs to their room. “(YN) COME BACK I DONT THINK ITS A GOOD TIME TO TALK TO THEM” Susannah shouts from downstairs, but it was too late you open their door without knocking. You freeze in shock as you see John fucking a girl you’ve never seen before. “WHAT THE FUCK” he shouts at you whilst he jumps off the girl. You feel tears filling up your eyes, but you just leave the room without saying something. That’s how much he loves you, after telling you that he loves you, he bangs a random girl. Tears stream down your face, it hurts so much. “(YN)?” Edward asks as he sees you standing there in the hallway. “Edward” you say, he hugs you tightly. “What happened?” he asks whilst he wipes away your tears. “I don’t know, can we talk” you ask him. “Yeah, of course lets go into the guest room” you sit down on the bed and Edward sits down next to you. “I saw John sleeping with that girl” you say. “Oh, that’s why you have been crying?” “I don’t know” you answer him. “He told me you don’t love him, but you do don’t you?” he asks. “Oh, Edward, I think I do, but now it’s too late”
Edward hugs you again. “I think you should tell him” he whispers in your ear. “I can’t” you say. “He loves you (YN), this girl doesn’t mean anything to him, and he is just trying to forget you believe me” he says. “Wait here” he says whilst he leaves to guest room.
After a while he comes back, John is standing right behind him. “You two now, talk with each other, no shouting no fighting, just talk please” he says and leaves to room.
“Why are you here” John asks. “I wanted to talk to you and Edward, John I miss both of you, I feel lonely I’m confused I don’t know” you say. “Why you have been crying?” he asks. “Because John I love you, ok” you say and look at him, he seems a bit shocked about what you’ve just told him. “You don’t love me (YN), you just want what you can’t get” he answers. “OH FINE JOHN, I HAVE ALWAYS LOVED YOU, DEEP INSIDE I KNEW IT THE WHOLE TIME, JUST SAY THAT YOU MOVED ON WITH YOUR LIFE” you shout at him. “Well, I moved on… but I still love you” he whispers.
“come on John you can’t tell me you love me, you’ve just fucked a girl a few minutes ago I know you good enough that you wouldn’t be fucking her if she doesn’t mean anything to you” you say. “She doesn’t mean anything to me, I’m a GUY (YN) I have NEEDS” he answers. “Edward is a guy too and he doesn’t need things like this” you shout at him. He look at you with anger. “Then you should fall in love with him” he says. “John, please” you say trying to calm him down a bit, but he ignores it and tries to walk out of the room but you stop him, by jumping in front of him. “Don’t leave me, John I need you please” you say whilst looking deeply in his beautiful green eyes. “Tell me a reason not to leave now” he whispers.
You wrap your arms around him and pull him in for a long hug, “because I need you John, I can’t life without you” you whispers in his ear. He pulls away from the hug and smiles at you whilst he leans in to kiss you, as his kissable lips touch yours, you get a weird feeling inside your stomach, now you can’t deny it anymore you know now that you love him even more then you thought before, the kiss gets more rougher after a while but you are still enjoying every second of it. John lifts you up whilst he still continues to kiss you and puts you down on the bed and lies down on top of you, you feel his hands touching your whole body. “I’m not ready for this John” you say in between his kisses. He stops kissing you and gives you a shocked look. “I’m not trying to do anything, I’m just kissing you ok” he says. You smile and start to kiss him again after a while of snogging in bed you both get up to go outside for a while.
Later that day
you’ve spent most of your time today with John in your apartment, you’ve talked to him for a long time, and you’ve both decided to give it a go. You know you love him and so does he. You’ve asked John if he would sleep over tonight but he said he doesn’t want to rush things with you as he leaves he kisses you again and wishes you a good night. You can’t believe how perfect this day has been and how lucky you are to have John. You sit down on your sofa and you see John forgot his phone; you take a look on the screen and see that he has got 1 new text message. Should I or shouldn’t I? You think but then you decide to open it. It says “hope you’ve told that girl about us, come home soon, I’m still waiting here and Edward is not funny at all xx Sophia it says. You can’t believe what you’ve just been reading. Who is Sophia?
Tears stream down your face, so that girl you saw who was sleeping with John wasn’t just a random girl, she was his girlfriend. You then text Edward from John’s phone “Edward? tell John he forgot his phone! by the way Sophia doesn’t think you are funny at all -(YN)”
you quickly grab your bag and your car keys, you just want to be alone for now, you know John or Edward will come over as soon as they read the message you’ve just sent. As you drive down the road, you see a car driving faster and faster and all the sudden it crashes in to your car. Your feel a sharp pain in your chest, whilst your sight goes blurry and you pass out.
Meanwhile at John and Edwards*
“John, she knows you forgot your phone” Edward says to John as he walks into his room. “I’m fucked, she won’t believe me” he says. “You’ve got to drive to her place and explain everything John, you can’t risk losing her again” he says. “I know Bro” John says and leaves they house, as he drives down the road he sees people gathered round two car, he quickly gets out of the car as he sees it’s your car, he sees you laying their on the ground blood all over your whole body, paramedics taping up your wounds. “Is she going to be fine” he asks in shock. “Do you know her?” they ask him. “She’s my girlfriend” he answers. “She lost a lot of blood Sir, we have to get her to the hospital as soon as possible, and will you be driven with us” they say. “Of course” he replies tears streaming down his face. He thinks it’s his fault that you are laying there and may never wake up again. They whole way of driving to the hospital he holds your hand; he quickly kisses your cheek before the doctors tell him to get out.
You wake up, your head is pounding like crazy, you don’t know where you are all you can remember is the car who crashed into yours, you try to sit up but a sharp pain in your chest stops you from doing it. “Lay back down (YN) everything’s goig to be fine” John says as he slightly squeezes your hand. “John?” you say, you remember the text you’ve been reading yesterday. “Is she your girlfriend” you ask him “she was my girlfriend, but believe me (YN) nothing happened after you told me you love me, I would never cheat on you” he says whilst looking worried at you. “Go John you lied to me the whole time, I don’t need you in my life anymore, just leave” you say. “I promised you (YN) I’m never going to leave you again, even if you tell me to I’m not going to leave now, because I know you need me” he says with a calm sexy voice. You know it’s true, so you quickly smile at him, even though the pain of your wounds is killing you.
Two weeks later
you can finally leave the hospital even though your wound are still hurting like crazy, but you are glad John stayed with you the whole time. You love him but you still don’t know if he told you the truth and if he is being honest with you.
John insisted that you are staying with him as long as you can’t take care of yourself, so you will be staying at their house with Susannah, Kevin and Edward.
Susannah knows about you and John and she is not very happy about it, but she also told you that she will always take care of you even if thing with you and John don’t work out.
At their house
John carried you upstairs in the guest room well actually it’s your old room you used to stay there when you lived with them. “Should I go” he asks. “No, not now” you reply. He lies down next to you. You lean in to kiss him, your lips touching his, your tongues start to fight with each other this moment feels so magical. John then starts to kiss your neck, which makes you moan quietly. You know you want him now, you are desperate for his touches, but you also know that you won’t be able to sleep with him as long as you are in so much pain. “John, I can’t…“you say. “Just relax (YN) you don’t have to do anything” he says. He continues to kiss your neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses behind. His hand slowly moves further down, he then unbuttons your skinny. “I’m not going to hurt you, ok” he says whilst he gently takes off your underwear.
He kisses you all the way down to your “area” he stops and asks you I’ve you are ready. You nod your head, you can feel his warm tongue moving around your “area”, and it feels amazing. “F… aster John” you moan out loudly as you reach your orgasm. Your whole body starts to shake. The first time in 2 weeks you don’t feel any pain just pleasure. He gently puts back on your underwear and skinny and lies back down next to you; he kisses you again and falls asleep next to you.
You gently move your finger through his hair, it feels so good to be around him and to be able to spend something so wonderful with him, but there is something still bothering you.
Weeks pass by you are feeling better with each day. John uses to take care of you when he is at home, when he is away Susannah does. You like spending time with Susannah, she is a good listener and you can talk to her about everything, but even though they do everything for you something’s still bothering you. You are not sure why but you know something’s wrong.
“Hey beautiful” John says as I enters your room, “I’ve missed you so much” you say whilst hugging him tightly.
“I’ve missed you to” he says and kisses you. “I need you now” you tell him. He looks at you with shock. “WTH? What happened to my girlfriend?” he asks with a huge smile on his face. “Your girlfriend is feeling better and she is desperate for your touches” you answer him. Your face slightly blushes. “Does my girlfriend like this” he asks whilst he starts to kiss your neck. Duran his kisses you start to undress yourself so does he. You gaze at each others naked bodies for a while then you lay down in bed, John then lies on top of you. “I promise I’m going to be gentle” he says whilst he enters you which makes you moan out loudly it hurts a bit, but after a while you start to enjoy it. It’s the most amazing feeling you’ve ever felt in your whole life, after a while both of you reach your climax, your whole body starts to shake slightly, but all the sudden you feel a sharp pain going through your chest, you start to breath heavily “John” you manage to say and then you’re sight goes blurry.
John’s Point of View
as we reached our climax, he looked at her. She was so beautiful but then she started to breath heavily, I could sense something was wrong, she just managed to say John, and then I laid on top of her lifeless body. I was in shock, I didn’t know what to do so I called the ambulance and checked if she was still breathing but she wasn’t. I cried, I was scared that she may never wake up again. I was scared I may never speak to her again, tell her how much I love her. It didn’t took long before the paramedic arrived. They tried to revive her for a long time. I knew she was dead but I didn’t want to hear it. “We are sorry Sir, but your girlfriend passed away, we are sorry for your lost” they said. “Please, go out I need a minute” I told them. I just looked at her lifeless body; “I will always love you” I whispered in her ear and kissed her for the last time.

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