A Family Friend - @CrazyJedFiction

“(YN) come downstairs, we need to talk” your mother shouts from the lounge.
oh god, I just came back from school, isn’t it possible to spend a few minutes on my own, without anyone disturbing me you think to yourself. Your mother has always been over considerate; maybe because you had to grow up without your father, but for you in fact that wasn’t even a problem, you never wanted to know your father. You slowly go upstairs, just to calm your mother down.
“Mum, what’s the matter? Did I do something wrong” you say to her. “No my dear, everything is fine. I just wanted you to know that my friend is coming over and her sons are coming with her, so please spend some time with them” she says. “Babysitting? Mum please I don’t have time for this” “not babysitting honey, they are your age, they just don’t know anybody in town” she answers. You quickly run upstairs in your room. You will spend some time with them, but your mother owns you then. So tomorrow she can’t say anything about the fact that you are going to see a concert of your favourite band “JEDWARD”.
A few hours later your mother comes in your room. “Mum, what have I told you about knowing the door” you shout at her. “(YN) be quite, they are already here, come downstairs with me, the twins are waiting for you” she says. Well, so they are twins, that’s in fact a good think you think. You go downstairs with your mother. You see a small blonde lady. “Susanna, this is (YN)” your mother says to her. “Nice to meet you, where are your sons?” you say. “Here we are” you hear two familiar voices behind you. You turn around and can’t believe who is standing right in front of you. “Hi (YN) I am John and this is Edward”.
“Hi” you say trying to act cool around them but still in shock that you mother hasn’t had told you that JOHN and EDWARD GRIMES are coming to your house. “(YN) you and the twins can go upstairs, you can talk to them about school, or share some stories. I am going to make dinner ready with their mum” your mum says. You walk upstairs with the twins following you. Then you walk into your room. “Can, we?” John asks. “Sure” you say shyly. John sits down on your bed and looks up on your walls. “So you are a fan? Because of all the posters?” he asks. “Kind of, yeah - weird isn’t it being a fan of my mother’s friends sons” you say and smile. The twins start to laugh. “I wish I could spend a day with Britney in my room, imagine john what we could do with her” Edward says and smirks. You can’t help but you are getting a little jealous over the fact that they love Britney that much. “Tell me then Edward, what would you do? “You say teasingly. Edwards is clearly embarrassed about your question. “Well, everything that you want to do with us” he answers. “Awkward” john says. All of you start to laugh again. You feel so comfortable around them, it’s like you have known them for ages. After an hour of talking about school, music, and some random stuff your mother tells you dinner is ready, so all of you leave to head downstairs.

After Dinner
time has passed by so quickly, it’s almost midnight. “Susannah, I think its best that you stay overnight, you can’t drive home now, it’s already so late and you must be very tired after your long flight” your mother says. “If it’s ok with you” she says to john and Edward. “It’s ok, we don’t have any work tomorrow” john says. “I will make the guest room ready for you Susannah, the twins could sleep in (YN) room she has a sofa bed in her room” your mother says. Your mind is going crazy, the twins overnight your room? This is seriously the best day of your life! You go upstairs in your room, to make everything ready for them. “Big sleepover” john says whilst he walks in your room, Edward is standing right behind him. “So what do we do” Edward asks. “Sleeping, I am already really tired guys, and as much as I am enjoying your company I can’t stay up any longer” you say. “Ok” Edward says he gives you a weird look and then looks down on his feet. Why is he acting weird? Did I do something wrong you think to yourself. After all of you have changed into more comfy clothes, you walk to your beds. “Good night (YN)” they say. “Good night you two” you say.

After a while you hear someone snoring. “Snoring, seriously I can’t deal with that” you say quietly to yourself. “Well, I can’t deal with it either” you hear Edward saying. “Can’t sleep” you say to him. “Me neither, can I come and lay next to you” Edward asks. “If you want to, but keep in mind I am not Britney. Ed” you say teasingly. “You are clearly a dirty-minded Jedhead” he answers whilst he lies down next to you. “I really enjoyed tonight” he says. “Me too” you just lay there enjoying the moment, being next to your favourite Pop Star.  You feel a weird tickly feeling in your stomach. Oh no, don’t fall for him (YN) don’t you dare like him more than a friend you think. “Everything alright” Edward asks. “y-yeah everything’s fine” you reply. You look at him, he looks beautiful his pale skin, his sparkling green eyes his kissable lips everything about him is just perfect. “Stop, checking me out” he says and gives you a cheeky smile. You feel your cheeks blushing. “Edward, don’t make this situation we are in, more awkward then it is already” “sorry, I just thought… well never mind” he says. He climbs out of your bed. “Good night then” he whispers trying not to wake up John. You couldn’t sleep for hours, just thinking about what just happened? What did he want you to tell?

The next morning
you are still laying in your bed, you don’t want to stand up, you don’t want to go downstairs and face Edward, that would be just awkward. You close your eyes because you hear someone is about to enter your room. “(YN) time to wake up” Edward whispers in your ear. “Look I know you are awake, I am sorry for… you know making you feel awkward around me but…” “Oh. NEVERMIND Edward” you answer him. You don’t want him to finish his sentence. He looks at you and smiles and slowly comes closer to your face and leans in to kiss you. His lips gently touching yours. He looks at you and sees that you have clearly enjoyed this moment just like he did. He looks deeply into your eyes.”E-dward, what the hell” you manage to say. “Not hell, heaven” he whispers into your ear and leans in to kiss you again. His tongue brushes over your lips, you open your mouth to let him enter. Your tongues start to fight with each other, this time the kiss was more passionately.

After a while of kissing you let go, still shocked about the fact that Edward has just kissed you. “We should go downstairs” you say. Edward nods his head and both of you go downstairs. “(YN), finally you are awake” your mum says as you walk down the stairs. “Susannah me and john were just talking to each other, John and Edward have got a concert tomorrow in town so I was wondering if its ok with you if they stay one more night?” you look up to Edward who gives you a huge smile. “Yeah, no problem” you answer. John comes up to you and gives you a big hug. “Thank you, for letting us stay in your room” he says and gives you a kiss on your cheek. After eating your breakfast, john and Edward tell you that they have to go out for a few hours to make some interviews but they will be back in a few hours.Edward didn’t even try to speak with you after your kiss; he is kind of avoiding you, at least that’s what you think.

you are sitting on your computer, checking your twitter again and again. Reading more and more rumours about the twins on your timeline.
All the sudden your door opens and the twins jump in.”what the hell, you scared the shit out of me” you shout at them. John hugs you from behind and gently kisses your cheek whilst he whispers “sorry” in your ear. Edward lifts you up from your chair, to sit down on your chair. “Edward?” you say. “I want to check our twitter” he answers. “Whatever” you say and sit down next to john. “(YN) don’t take it personal, he is always like this since we came here” john whispers in your ear. If he only would know that Edward had kissed you earlier you think. “It’s ok” you say but it is clearly not ok to tread someone like shit after you have kissed that person. Edward continues to ignore you, while john always try’s his best to talk to you about everything.

Hours later you all decide to go to bed. After a few minutes in bed you hear someone snoring. Not again you think to yourself. “Edward? Are you awake” you ask. “Yes” he answers you. “Why they fuck are you ignoring me, you shouldn’t have kissed me. Seriously this was the biggest mistake of my life kissing you back” you whisper, but still trying your best not to shout at him. Edward gets up from their bed and lies down next to you. He wraps his arms around you and hugs you tightly while he whispers in your ear “kissing you was the best experience in my life” you try your best not to laugh because you are still mad at him. “Edward, seriously why have you ignored me all day” you ask.”Well, you seemed like you clearly enjoyed john’s presence” he says. “oh Edward, what the hell is going through your mind, just because he looks like you doesn’t mean I would like him as much as I like you and he was just trying to be nice, because you were acting like a douche” you answer him. You lean in to kiss him but he pushes you way. “John” he says before you could say something else. “I don’t care Edward, it’s not like we are having sex next to him” you say. You see Edwards face blushing as he leans in to kiss you, after continuing your kiss for a while you fall asleep in Edward’s arms. You wake up in the middle of the night still lying in Edward’s arms, his arms still wrapped around you. You kiss his cheek to wake him up, but he is still not responding.
So you decide to gently kiss his neck leaving a wet trail of kisses behind. “(YN) stop—op it” he whispers. “Finally” you whisper in his ear. “I think it’s time for you to go to your own bed, my mum would kill us if she saw us two cuddled up in bed” you say. He kisses your cheek whilst he says “ok”; he then gets up from your bed to lie down next to John. Both of you fall asleep again.

The next morning
After getting up and eating your breakfast, you are all sitting in your living room. Your mum is out with Susannah to buy some food for dinner. You are sitting on your sofa next to Edward and john, watching a random movie. John is clearly enjoying watching the movie, but you and Edward just have eyes for each other. Every time john goes for the loo or grabs something to drink, he kisses you. It feels so right to kiss him but it’s kind of awkward that he didn’t told john about you and him. “Edward, we have to leave now, we are already late- the concert already starts in 1 hour” john says to Edward. Edward looks at you and then he looks up to john. “John, can you leave us alone, like for a minute” he asks. “Why?” john says. “I’ll tell you later” he says whilst john leaves the room.
Edward leans in to kiss you once again. “Edward you really have to go now” you whisper in is ear whilst he starts to kiss your neck. “You will be at the concert, right?” he asks you. You nod your head. “Well, meet me after then, because we are not coming back to your house” Edward says. You completely forgot the fact that the twins are leaving (your city) tomorrow, for their tour. You feel tears filling up your eyes; you try your best to hold it back. Edward looks in your eyes and gently hugs you, “dont cry (YN) everything will be fine, you just have to trust me” he says whilst he kisses your cheek. “Ohm” that’s all you managed to say whilst he leaves your house.

Tears are running over your cheek, deep inside you know that you won’t see him after the concert, because there will be too much fans. During the concert, Edward never made eye contact with you he didn’t even look at you. you feel terrible about it, so you just want to leave and not even try to meet Edward outside the concert hall, you don’t want him to end something that may never meant something to him. So you head home. Your mum asks you about the concert, “it was ok” mum was all you could answer. You run upstairs in your room and close the door behind you. You don’t want to speak with your mum or someone else, nobody will ever understand the way you feel about Edward.  After that day you never heard from Edward again.

You still miss Edward every day. Not a single day past by without thinking about him, his soft lips, his beautiful green eyes and his pale skin. You love him that’s for sure. But he clearly doesn’t love you, never did otherwise he would have tried to contact you, text you or something else. All you know about the twins is that they stay in London, at a hotel they never have been before and some rumours about them being rude to fans. You decide to check your twitter like you do every day, no new mentions nothing, except a new dm. new spam you think to yourself, you open it, and it’s a new message from planetjedward! Which says “hi (YN), you need to come to London, Edward is not being himself the last 4 months and I know it has something to do with you, I know that he loves you. Please come xx John. Your whole body is shaking, you didn’t expect a message like this. After four months? A message like this? Weird that’s for sure. You then decide to answer “John, I don’t think that’s a good idea and even though Edward is not acting like himself lately this has nothing to do with me, otherwise he would have texted me or called me! Anyway nice to hear from you have a great day xx (YN)” A week later, you never got a reply to the message that you have sent john a week ago. Your feelings are more hurt than ever. All you want is to know is if Edward is alright and that he is feeling well. You don’t want him to be hurt or something you want him to be happy, like the first time you’ve met. That’s the Edward you loved that’s the Edward you cared about even though he never loved or cared about you the same way you did. The best thing you think to yourself would be to fly to London on speak to him and john to straighten everything out.You grab your bag, and tell your mum you won’t be home for 2 days, she keeps asking you why? And where? With who? But you don’t even listen. You just want to catch the next plane to London.

In London
your flight went well, but now that you are in London you have no clue where to go. John only texted you to come to London! And you remember the twins are not even staying in their usual hotel. You decide to tweet “who knows in which hotel the twins are staying” after a few minutes of waiting, you look back on your phone screen. “They are staying at (random hotel)” you reply “thank you”.
After an hour of walking in London you finally reached the hotel, you see a few Jedheads outside to hotel. All of them are screaming, what the hell you think to yourself. At the same time you see a blond tall boy standing next to them. It was john. You start to scream “john, john, john” but he clearly doesn’t hear you, all the sudden someone says from behind “what the fu** are you doing here” you turn around and you see Edward standing right in front of you, his eyes red and swollen. “Edward” was all you managed to say. You hug him but he pushes you back. “What are you doing here?” he asks again. “I need to talk to you Edward, can we go inside” you say. “If we have to” he answers, whilst you go inside you notice that he totally ignores the fans around him.

“so what is so important to talk about” he says as you entered the hotel room. “I love you Edward, I thought you should know that even though you may not love me the same” you answer him. You see his whole face blushing. “But why didn’t you wait for me after the concert” he says. “I thought its best for you to let go, you wanted to tell me anyway that you don’t feel the same for me. I just wanted to make things easier for you” you reply. “Well, you made things worse then, because I clearly love you (YN) I always did.” he whispers into your ear and leans in to kiss you, his lips gently touching yours. You push away from the kiss, just to look at his beautiful face again. Everything seems so unreal. “Stay where you are, I just have to do something” Edward says and heads outside. After a few minutes of waiting you decide to look outside the window, you see Edward standing in the middle of the fans, talking to them and taking pictures, john is standing right beside him and you can see him smiling.
2 hours later Edward comes back to the hotel room, john still outside with the fans. “Sorry, that it took so long” he says. “Never mind, Edward I love to see you happy” you tell him. He hugs you, tighter than ever. “I’ve missed you so much (YN), please stay with me” he whispers in your ear. You look at him and you see the tears in his eye. You lean in to kiss him “I will stay with you as long as you want me to be” you say. He kisses you again, his tongue gently moving over your lips, you open your mouth to let him enter, your tongues start to fight with each other and it feels like the first time he had kissed you. The kiss turns into making out, you are enjoying every second of it. You decide to kiss his neck. “(YN)” he moans out quietly. “What” you say. “John” he answers. “I guess we should tell him?” you ask him. “Tell him what that I need to be alone with you, he would think we were doing… thing” Edward answers. “So you don’t want to do THINGS, Edward?” you say to him teasingly whilst kissing his neck again. “Give me your phone, ill text him, not to come near our bedroom because I need to be alone with you” he says with a cheeky smile. He lifts you up and carries you into their bedroom and gently lays you down on his bed. He then lies down on top of you and kisses your neck. He takes of his shirt and you can see his abs. all the sudden someone enters the bedroom. “OMFG John” Edward says whilst jumping off of you.
“Sorry guys, I didn’t see anything” john says. “Nice to see you (YN), and thank you for coming” he says again and walks out the door. You stand up to go to Edward who is clearly ashamed of what just happened. “Relax Edward it’s not that he saw something” you say. “I know… come lets go and eat something with john” he replies whilst he puts on his shirt again. “Edward, you aren’t ready for this aren’t you” you ask him. His face blushes. “I don’t know ok” he answers. “It’s fine for me, because I am not ready for this either Edward” you say to him. He looks at you and kisses your cheek. “You are just too good to be true” he whispers in your ear whilst both of you walk out of their bedroom. Later that day.You are all watching TV, it’s already getting late. “Guys, I know you want to be alone, I will get my own hotel room now” john says and leaves. “He didn’t had to” you say. “But I told him too” Edward says and smirks.”It’s just one night, he’ll get over it” he says. You smile at him and he leans in to kiss you. “Bed?” he asks you. “Mhhm” you say and both of you walk to the bedroom. Edward goes in the bathroom to get change, you don’t have any clothes with you so you decide to sleep in your underwear whilst you put all of your clothes off Edward comes back into the bedroom. “Yummy” he says whilst he is looking at you. He kisses your cheek “you look even better with no clothes on” he whispers into your ear and lifts you up to lay you down on the bed. He climbs on top of you and kisses your neck.
His hand slowly moving towards your “area”. “Edward, what are you doing” you say. “I don’t know, you just make me so fucking horny (YN)” he answers you. He puts your underwear off. “Edward” you say again. “Do you want me to stop” he answers. You shake your head; you don’t want him to stop. He then puts one finger inside of you and continues to pull it out and in for a while. You feel yourself getting wetter and wetter as you reach your climax. He pulls his finger out and lies down next to you. He gently kisses you. “Thank you” was all you managed to say. He looks at you and smiles “now you owe me” he says with a cheeky smile. You lay your head on Edward’s chest and both of you fall asleep. The next morning you wake up, Edward is still lying next to you but he is already awake. “Morning” he says whilst he kisses your cheek. “Yesterday wasn’t a dream then” you ask him. He wraps his arms around you and says “no” and laughs. “I love you” you say whilst you climb on top of him and kiss his neck. You put your hands down on his thigh. You gently rub his pop rocket, you can feel he is already getting hard. “Don’t stop” he moans. You smirk and continue your kisses further down, you kiss his abs and as you reach his underwear you pull it down. “Wow, pretty big pop rocket” you say as you see it. you gently lick over his penis tip. he moans out loudly. then you take his pop rocket in your mouth slowly moving up and down. “faster, faster” he moans. You do what he says. “I-im going to cum” he moans even louder as he cums in your mouth, you swallow everything of it and climb off of him. “Good thing, to start a day” he says and kisses you. “I need a shower now Ed, want to join me?”  You are standing there just in your underwear, waiting for Edward to answer your question, all the sudden the bedroom door opens. “Ws’up guys” john says whilst he enters the room. You manage to run in the bathroom so that john doesn’t see you, in just your underwear. “What the hell john” Edward shouts. “Ok, I’ll leave” he says and leaves.
You unlock the bathroom door and lay down next do Edward. “Sorry” Edward says. “You don’t have to be, it’s not your fault that john just jumped into our room, thank god he didn’t come earlier” you say to calm him down. You lean in to kiss him, but he pushes you away. “Edward” you ask in shock. “I am not in the mood” he answers. You jump off the bed and head to the bathroom you then shut the door behind you and lock it. You don’t want to cry but you are angry at him. He can make you feel so special and loved but in the same time he also makes you feel like shit. You decide to take a shower first and talk to Edward later about it. After you took your shower and finished your hair and make-up you go back to the bedroom, but Edward isn’t there anymore. there is a note on the bed which says  “left, ill text you xx Edward”.You throw the note across the room, yesterday was the best the in your whole life and now everything’s changed.

It’s all Johns fault you think, even though you know John is Edwards Soul mate and they are just used to live their life together. You wipe away your tears, he owns you an explanation, that’s everything you want to think of right now. You lay down on his bed and and fall asleep again. A couple hours later, you walk into the lounge and see john is watching TV, “where is Edward” you ask him. “Outside with the fans” he answers you. “John, what’s wrong with him, yesterday he was so sweet and today he has been treating me like shit” you say. “I  … think he is scared.. Of losing you all over again… he just loves you so much…“ he answers. “John, I don’t know you know I love him, but I can’t cope with him when he’s like this” you say whilst tears stream down your cheek. John hugs you and says “you both have to talk about this, you are meant for each other, that’s all I know”, you feel save in johns arms. You know you can’t blame him for Edward’s behaviour. “Thanks, john for everything” you say. “No problem (YN), I am going outside and tell Edward to talk to you, ok?” he says. “Thanks again john” you say whilst he leaves the hotel room.A few minutes later Edward enters the hotel room, he gives you a weak smile and then looks down on his feet. “I..m.. so sorry (YN)” Edward says. You stand up from the sofa and head over to him. You hug him tightly, “Edward, I love you, ok! I know you are scared of losing me, but you don’t have to, because I love you for who you are, not just because your famous” you whisper into his ear. He leans in to kiss you but you teasingly push him away. He gives you a weird look.
“You have to earn that kiss” you say whilst you walk into the bedroom. You quickly take all your clothes off, so you are standing there naked waiting for Edward to come in. Edward enters the bedroom, and looks at you, he clearly likes what he sees. “w—o—w” was all he managed to say whilst he hugs you tightly and kisses you passionately. “Are  … you ready for this” you ask him. He nods his head. You lay down on his bed whilst Edward takes off his clothes. You look at him, as you see his already hard pop rocket. He laughs whilst he says “you’ve caused this” he lies down on top of you and gently kisses your neck, his hand slowly moving over your “area”, you bite your lip trying not to moan out loudly. “Ready?” he asks, you nod your head as he slowly guides himself into you. After a while you start enjoying it. “I’m… ” he says as you both reach your climax. He lies down next to you and pulls his arms around you. That night you didn’t get much sleep as you both couldn’t resist each other.

2 long years later.
things have changed, after that one special night you spent with Edward you never saw him again. Edward and John are more famous than ever well known around the world by now. Every day you watch TV you see them, every time you read the newspaper you see and read about them. You don’t regret spending your first time with Edward, because you loved him and he loved you, but both of you also knew that this relationship would never work out as he was too busy with becoming more and more famous. Sometimes John calls you to talk to you or his mum because she moved in a year ago. It’s pretty weird to live together with their mum, but you like her. She is just as nice as the twins are. You are in your room, packing your stuff because you are moving out today. You decide to leave all the Edward related stuff in your old room, because you have moved on from it. Your mum and Susannah are helping you packing as you hear the doorbell ring.”I’ll take it” Susannah says whilst you and your mum finish packing. You hear Susannah shouting from downstairs. “I better should go and look what’s happening” your mum says as she leaves your room too. After a few minutes you hear your mum and Susannah laughing loudly, but you keep packing your stuff.
After you have finished packing you go downstairs to watch TV but as you enter your lounge you completely freeze. John and Edward are sitting on the sofa next to your mum and Susannah. “Hi” was all you managed to say because you are still in shock. You never actually thought they would come to visit their mum whilst you still live there. John stands up from the sofa and hugs you “missed you lots” he says whilst he let go off you. You look at Edward; he looks so different in a good way though! He gives you a weak smile and says “Hi”, you try to ignore the awkwardness between you and him, and so you just say “I need to finish packing, see ya later” you run back upstairs, and sit down on your bed. A few minutes later you hear someone knocking on your door “come in” you say whilst you jump off your bed and act like you are packing stuff. “You are trying to escape an awkward situation, aren’t you? You haven’t changed that much” Edward says as he walks into your room. You smile at him. “You’ve got me there” you say. „Hug?” he asks but before you could say something he hugs you tightly. “I’ve missed you” you whisper in his ear. “Me too” he answers. All the sudden John walks into your room. “Good timing, John as always” Edward says and all of you start laughing. You talk to both of them for hours and watched TV, Edward and you fell asleep on your bed whilst watching TV and John left to go and sleep on the sofa in your lounge.
You wake up to the sound of something falling down, you stand up to look what just happened, as you see Edward sitting on the floor, next to him the “Edward stuff box” you put away yesterday. In his hands the letter you wrote him 3 months after the night you’ve spend with him. “Edward” you say. You feel your face blushing. “Things would be different now if you would have sent me that letter 2 years ago” he whispers. “No, they wouldn’t have” you answer him. Tears fall down his cheek. “So you really think, you being pregnant, with my child and losing it! Wouldn’t have changed things?” he says whilst crying. You sit down next to him. “I only did this because I love you” you say. He looks at you “I wish you would have told me, because we could have gone through everything together because I love you” he says and hugs you tightly. “I always loved and I always will love you, for the rest of my life” he says as he leans in to kiss you. But you push him away, “Edward please don’t make things more complicated than they are” you say. “Well, so kissing you after you’ve said you love me is wrong, fuck off” he shouts. “Edward, calm down I do love you I will always love you but just as a friend and I don’t want to lose you, because this us never would work out” you whisper.
“Forget everything I told you! I never loved you and I regret sleeping with you, if I would have found out that you were pregnant I would have paid for the abortion” he shouts at you and runs out of your room and shuts the door behind him. You’ve never felt this awful in your whole life, your whole body is shaking like crazy, tears stream down your face. Everything reminds you of what happened 2 years ago, the feeling of losing Edward all over again.You wake up and you realised that you were just dreaming, Edward was still lying next to you fast asleep.

You stand up from your bed and look around your room; everything’s the same like yesterday. You open your closet and you see the “Edward stuff box” is still inside. What an awkward dream I’ve had you think to yourself. “What are you doing?” Edward says. “Nothing, I just had a really awkward dream, and it seemed so real” you tell him. “Oh… anything to do with me?” he asks. “No” you lie. I gives you a weird look. “Fine, maybe a little bit” you say. He smiles at you but before he could ask you about it you say “anyway, can you and john help me to bring my moving boxes to my new place?” “Yes” he replies and gets up from your bed. You are now all in your new apartment, Edward and John helped you with moving, but now you are all very tired. “I’m going to go out to buy some food” john says and leaves. You are now alone with Edward both of you are sitting on your sofa. “I’ve to tell you something” he says. “What?” “I saw the box” he says. Your face blushes. “I have a box with your things as well” he says and smiles. “And I thought I was a weirdo cause I kept it” you tell him. “No you aren’t, I mean it’s just normal to keep stuff from someone that you’ve loved once” he says. “You know, if I wasn’t one part of Jedward, we could be like a couple now” he says, you see his face blushing. “Maybe, but I don’t think so” you answer him. “I’ve missed you” he whispers. “Edward, I missed you to” you say. he looks you deeply in your eyes as he leans in to kiss you, you feel his soft lips touching yours, his tongue slowly brushes over your lips as you let him enter your mouth your tongues start to fight with each other. You feel a weird feeling in your stomach; it feels like falling in love with Edward all over again. He pushes away from the kiss and smiles as he sees you’ve clearly enjoyed that moment too.
You take his hand, and lead him into your bedroom. Edward lies down on your bed; you lay down on top of him. You start kissing his neck, which makes him moan your name quietly. He takes off his shirt whilst you take of your shirt and bra. He gazes at your breasts and starts kissing them. You bite your lip because you try not to moan loudly. You pull down his skinny and underwear; you see his already hard pop rocket. He then takes off your skinny and underwear and you start riding him. Both of you moan in pleasure, he starts to scream your name whilst both of you reach your climax. You kiss him as you lay down next to him. He wraps his arms around you, and kisses your cheek. “I love you” he says, “I love you too” “are we like a couple now” he asks. “I guess so” you answer him.

3 years later
“mummy, daddy is here” your daughter Lexi says whilst Edward’s comes into your living room. He hugs you tightly, and whisper in your ear “I’ll bring her back to yours on Sunday” “fine” you tell him. You feel bad for your daughter because she just sees her dad on weekends since you two broke up 1 year ago. Both of them leave your house Lexi gives you a goodbye hug and Edward gives you a quick kiss on the cheek. You keep looking at them from your window, but someone comes from behind and hugs you tightly and starts kissing your neck. “John, Edward can see us” “I don’t care he knows” he tells you. You turn around and gently kiss him. You never thought you would end up falling in love with your ex-boyfriends twin, but you did.
The End

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