True Love - @CrazyJedFiction

I was sitting in my room with some friends of mine. We talked about a lot of things but I was already bored. Don’t get me wrong I love my friends, but I don’t think that they really care about me. They like spending time with me, because my family has a lot of money. I have a pretty big room and my parents are away most of the time. I don’t think that they money my family has, had much influence in my life. They always told me how hard they had to work and I was always thankful for everything. When I saw homeless persons on the streets I bought them food and gave it to them, just because I knew they needed it. That’s how I am. Even though I know that I try my best to live my life the fullest something is missing. I need friends who I can count on, some who don’t use me for what I have and love me just for who I am, but I think that’s pretty hard to find nowadays.

We continued talking for a bit, but I told them that I have to study for tomorrows test. So they went home. When I walked back into my house, I heard strange noises outside. I looked outside my window and saw two blond, pale boys. They looked very handsome, she I kept staring at them. One of them noticed me and smiled at me. I smiled back and walked upstairs in my room. I never saw them before, maybe they are new in my neighbourhood I thought. I opened my laptop and started to listen to some music, volume on maximum. I started dancing like crazy. All the sudden I heard someone screaming. I looked outside my window and saw the two pale boys. I opened my window and asked if something is wrong. “Seems like you are having fun, can we just maybe join u” one of them asked me. I smiled and answered “if you want to”; I went downstairs and opened the door. “I’m John and this is Edward, nice to meet you” John said. They looked completely identical, but as I already said they looked very very nice ;)
I invited them in, they looked around and told me how big and beautiful this house is. I told them that my parents worked hard to build a place like this. They looked at me and smiled, one of them kept staring at me for a long time. “So what where you guys doing outside” I asked them. “Nothing” Edward answered, his face slightly blushed. He looked so cute. We walked upstairs into my room; they saw my Britney Spears posters and then told me how much they love her. I was happy, because my friends actually don’t like her. I talked to them for a long time, the seemed so nice, not like other guys my age I know. For the first time in ages I felt like somebody really cares about me, not for what I have. They told me that they had a pretty hard time in school. I felt bad for them because I never actually had someone who bullied me, or even worse punched me. They told me not to be sorry for them, because they always had each other and that they are strong together.
Most of the time John talked, Edward was just listening to our convo. “So why are you like hanging out with us” Edward asked. I looked at him, and didn’t know what to say. “I don’t know you are pretty nice lads” I answered. They started laughing so did I? It was a weird situation talking to strangers like you’ve known them for ages, but I just knew that I could trust them and it was different I enjoyed talking to them a lot. We continued talking for a long time, but I was already getting tired so I asked them if we could meet up tomorrow. Edward gave me his telephone number and said that I should text them when I have time. They hugged me and left my house. I couldn’t help myself but when they went out; I kept starring on their perfect bums. Edward looked back and gave me a cheeky smile. I blushed and closed the door, went back in my room. I lied down on my bed, and smiled to myself. What a wonderful day it has been I thought to myself.
Never in my life would I’ve thought that I would meet guys like them. I took my phone and texted Edward “good night, I will call you tomorrow xx (YN)” I typed. I waited for a bit then my phone started to ring. I looked back on my screen, I got a new message from Edward witch said “good night beautiful xx Ed”. OMG I thought I re read the message a few times, just to make sure that I am actually not dreaming. Did he just really texted me I am beautiful?
Then I felt asleep, with my phone still in my hands. When I woke up in the morning my phone was lying on the floor. I looked on the screen I had 3 missed calls and one message. My boss actually called me 3 times I looked on my clock and saw that I’ve missed my alarm, I called my boss told him I would come soon and that I’ve overslept. I jumped into some clothes of mine brushed my teeth and walked out of the door, I didn’t even put some make up on. I got into my car and drove to work. My boss was a little bit angry with my but I did not really care. Yesterday has been perfect and nothing could change me mood by now. I grabbed some files and started to sort them out, just to prove my boss that I am actually working, when he went away I looked back on my phone as I forgot to read the message someone has sent my earlier. It said “good morning, xx Edward”. I smiled, I was happy that he texted me. I texted him back “good morning, sorry for the late reply, I overslept, my boss is really angry, so I don’t really know if we can meet up today, but I will be texting you anyway”.
Then I started working again. It was a pretty harsh day on work, I had to do so many things that I actually forgot to look on my phone. After what seemed like a lifetime for me, my boss told me that I am free to go. I grabbed my bag and walked out the door. All the sudden my phone started ringing like crazy. It was Edward who was calling me. I answered the phone “hi, Edward” I said “OMG I was like so worried something has happened to you, I texted you 6 times (YN), why did you not reply” he said. “Sorry, Edward It was just such a stressful day at work, I did not even had time to look on my phone” I answered. “Ok, sorry I was just worried like crazy, so do you have any plans for today” he asked. “Not that I know” I said. “So do you want to come to our house” he asked. “Yeah, of course give me your address I will head their straight away if it’s ok” I replied. He gave me their address and told me I should hurry because he is already getting bored. I sat there in my car laughing to myself; Edward was the most carrying, funniest person I’ve ever met in my whole life. I drove down to their address; it was a pretty nice house actually.
I slightly knocked on their door, Edward opened the door. He looked perfect, he hugged me and then I asked him “where is John”. “John went out with our older brother” he told me. “So it’s just us two” I said. His face blushed “yes, I guess so” he answered. I smiled; I was so happy that I was actually going to be spending time alone with him. Little did I know he was just as thrilled as I was. Edward and I walked into their living room, we sat down on his sofa and started talking, and he asked me lots of questions about my work. He seemed to be very interested in my life; he smiled at me the whole time we talked. I felt so special around him and I don’t know why. We started watching a random DVD but I was too busy to even look the movie, because I just had to look at him. “I am tired” I said to him.
Then I rested my head on his chest and fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night, lying next to Edward and the sofa. His hands were wrapped around my body, I felt so safe. Then I heard someone opening the door and then all the sudden John and his brother were standing right in front of me. “Oh sorry, did I wake you up” John said. What an awkward situation I thought. “No, no you did not” I answered him. Edward opened his eyes and immediately let go of me. Their brother was just watching us from the corner. Edward stood up and walked away with John. Now I was just lying there on me own and yes I felt awkward as hell, so I sat up and started talking to their brother, his name was Kevin but he was acting a little bit weird, which made a little bit curious. After a few minutes Edward walked back and sat down next to me. “Kevin, I need to talk to (YN) alone, please go” he said. I was wondering why he wanted to talk to me alone, but I was also happy that Kevin now finally left the room.
“Should I drive you home” he said. “Do I have to?” I asked him. He smiled and said “no you don’t have to, but if you want to I could drive you home” “Edward, don’t be stupid, I like spending time with you!” I said. He looked deeply into my eyes, a got a weird feeling inside my belly, something that I have never felt before. “I… like… spending time with you to” he stuttered. His face blushed, and I saw he was getting nervous. Then he leaned in to kiss me. His lips touching mine, it was the best thing that if ever experienced in my whole life. He pushed away from the kiss to see my reaction, but I leaned to kiss him. We kissed for a long time, both of us completely enjoying the moment. After a while we both looked into each other’s eyes, we smiled and he said “well, this was great” he said and we lied down on the sofa. He wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head on his chest, it was so quite in the whole house, that I could hear is heartbeat. From this moment on, I knew that Edward and I have something special. We did not even sleep that night; as we were too busy talking to each other. In the morning we went out for breakfast, but I wasn’t hungry at all, all I needed was Edward.
When we walked down the street our hands where linked with each other. He drove me home, but I knew my parents wouldn’t be around until the weekend so I asked him if he wanted to stay with me. “Yes” he said and we both walked into my house. We watched DVD’s talked and kissed a lot until Edwards looked on his phone. His mood immediately changed, “I have to go now” he said. I looked at him, he was acting really weird and then he left my house without even kissing me. “See yah” was all he said. Who? Or What? On earth could have happened that he was acting so weird I thought. This was not the Edward I used to know. I knew it was just too good to be true. I was so tired and confused, tears streamed down my face. Who stupid was I to even think that Edward really cared about me? He was a good looking boy and he was nice, but in the end boys are boys, when they get what they want, they leave. Thank god, that I didn’t sleep with him I thought. I needed to talk to somebody, but I didn’t really trusted “my friends”. They would have come to me probably but they wouldn’t care at all. I was angry, so I deleted all of their telephone numbers; I just kept Edwards number saved in my phone. I re read all the messages he ever sent to me and then I felt asleep.
I had an awful nightmare that night. When I woke up, I looked on my phone no new text messages or phone calls. I felt like crying again, but I didn’t, I went for a shower, washed my hair brushed my teeth and applied some make-up then I went out for a walk. I just needed some fresh air to clean my thoughts, to re think the situation I am in. So I kept walking for a bit, then my phone started ringing. It was my mum. I answered the phone call, “Hi, mum what’s up” I said. “Nothing, how have you been? Is everything fine at home” she asked. “I am fine mum and yes everything is fine mum, don’t worry about me I am old enough to stay home alone” I said. “Ok funny, so is everything fine in collage and work?” she asked. “Mum, as I said everything is fine” I replied. “You don’t sound like everything is fine” she said. “I don’t want to talk about it now, I will call you tomorrow” I said and hung up on her. I know she cares about me, but I had to deal with this on my own. Then I walked back home, because it was getting really cold outside. I couldn’t stop thinking about Edward the whole time I walked down the streets. As I reached my house, I saw somebody sitting on my door step.
It was John. “What are you doing here” I asked him. “(YN) I really need to talk to you” he said. “Come in, you must be freezing” I said. Then I unlocked the door and we both walked inside. “Sit down, I am going to make a cup of tea for us” I said then I walked into the kitchen and prepared 2 cups of tea. Then I walked back into the living room I gave John one cup and sat down next to him. “So what do you want to talk about” I asked. “Well (YN) this is pretty hard to tell.. But I want you to know the truth” he said. “Please John, just tell me” I said, but I was really afraid of what he was going to tell me. “It’s about Edward” he said and sighed. I looked at him in shock. “What” was all I managed to say, because I already felt tears filling up my eye? I knew it; it really was just too good to be true. “Oh good, you really don’t remember don’t you?” he said. I didn’t even know what he was on about. “What should I remember, John?” I asked. “It’s about your birthday party last year” he said. I re thought my birthday party last year, there has been a few friends of mine and a couple of boys, then I got a flashback. I was making out with somebody, blonde hair pale skin, but it wasn’t Edward or John. It was Kevin.
“OMFG” I said. “So you know” he said. “Kevin told him didn’t he?” I said. He nodded his head. Then I started crying, I felt so bad. John hugged me and whipped away my tears. “He is just confused (YN), if you really care for him, show him” he said. “I care about him a lot, John but I don’t think I want to talk to me right now” I said. “Come with me, I am driving you to our house, you both kiss and make up everything will be fine again” he said. We sat there in silence for a while and finished our cup of tea, and then we walked outside and drove to their house. I was getting really nervous, I was scared of Edward reaction and if he really would talk to me. “I am going to drive to a friend’s home, Kevin is out too so you and Edward have enough time to talk to each other, ok?” he said. I nodded my head and thanked him for talking to me. I walked outside the car and slightly knocked their door. No answer, so I knocked a little bit louder. “Coming” I heard Edward saying from inside. I was so nervous that my whole body started to shake; I was scared of what’s going to happen now. Then he opened the door. He looked at me, not knowing what do say. “Please, don’t close the door Edward” I said. “I am sorry ok, I didn’t knew he was your brother and it happened 1 year ago Edward, I didn’t even know you then” I said. “Come in” he said with a sad voice. We both walked to their living room. “I like you (YN) like really like you like I have never liked a girl before” he said. “I felt really bad when Kevin told me that you both kind of you know” he said. “Edward, I like you too you mean so much to me, even though I just know you for a couple of days, I am so scared I will lose you Edward” I said.
Then he pulled me in for a hug. “I will never ever leave you (YN)” he whispered into my ear. Then he kissed me. Is lips gently touching mine, his tongue slowly brushing over my lips, I opened my mouth and our tongues met, it was amazing. I pulled away from the kiss and asked Edward “So are we like together now”. He smiled and his face blushed. “I think so” he said and kissed my cheek. Then we sat there on the sofa for hours, watched DVD and talked. I was so happy to be with him and to call him my boyfriend. Edward yawned and I asked if he wanted to go to sleep, he nodded his head and we both walked upstairs into his room. He undressed himself and I was standing there just in his boxers. Then he handed me a big shirt of his. “Here, you can wear this if you want” he said. I went to the bathroom and put on the shirt, it was so big that it looked like a dress on me, and it smelled like Edward. I walked back into his room and lied down next to him. I rested my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. Then we both fell asleep. I woke up the next morning my head still resting on his chest, Edward was still fast asleep. I started kissing his neck to wake him up. “Morning beautiful” he said still half asleep. ”morning” I said and continued to kiss his neck. Then I climbed on top of him.
I felt something hart digging into my thigh. His face blushed. “It’s ok Edward, nothing to be ashamed of” I told him. Then we started kissing passionately, His hands gently moved over my whole body and then he undressed me. As I was lying there on top of him naked, he was getting really nervous. “Is this your first time” I asked him. “Yeah” he replied. “It’s ok Edward, I love you” I whispered in to his ear. He smiled and said “I love you too”. It was the first time ever that I told a boy I love him even though I did have previous boyfriends. Then we changed positions so now he was lying on top of me. “Ready?” he asked. I nodded me head, and then he guided himself into me. First he moved in and out slowly but as he was getting more comfortable he got faster. “Faster” I moaned out loudly as I knew I was close to having an orgasm. He did what I told him and we both reached our climax. I climbed off of me and lied down next to me and buried his head on my chest. “This was the best sex if ever had” I said. He smiled proudly.
We cuddled on his bed for a while and then we decided it was time to get up. I stood up from the bed, still completely naked he looked at me. “Pervert” I said. “Oh common can’t I just look at my girlfriends perfect body” he said. He just called me his girlfriend I thought and kissed him. Then we heard noises “Edward, John, Kevin we are back” A woman shouted from downstairs. “Oh crap, mum and dad are back” he said. I jumped back into the bed and covert myself with the duvet. Edward jumped out of the bed “What do I do now” he said. “Put on some clothes Edward, and go upstairs tell your parents about me it’s not that they could see that we just had sex” I told him. He dressed himself, but as he did I couldn’t stop looking at his beautiful body.
Everything about him was just perfect. “I’ll be back in a few minutes” he then told me and kissed my cheek. I stood up from the bed and dressed myself quickly as I was afraid that his parents could have walked in any minute. I sat down on the chair, which was standing right in front of his desk. I looked on the desk and saw a few notes, and then I read them. They name Liam was often mentioned. Who’s this Liam guy? I asked myself, but my thoughts got interrupted by Edward as he walked back in. “so how did things went” I asked. “Fine, things went fine just now mum and dad want you to come upstairs, because they really want to meet you” “let’s go then” I said and headed to the door, but Edward stopped me with tightly hugging me. “I love you” he whispered into my ear. I leaned in to kiss him. “I love you too, but we should go now” I said in between the kisses. Then we both walked upstairs, I was getting really nervous so I grabbed Edward’s hand and linked it with mine. Then I saw Edward’s parents, his mother looked really nice and so did his father. “Oh, Hi (YN) I am Susannah and this is John” she said. “Hi nice to meet you” I said shyly.
“I am so happy that Edward finally found a nice girl, just make sure to take care of him because the last two years  … “but she couldn’t even finish her sentence as Edward interrupted her. “So mum and dad you’ve met (YN) now, we are going to go out to grab some food, see you later” he said and then leaded me outside the house. I couldn’t even say goodbye to his parents as he was clearly stressed over something his mother said. “Where are we going?” I asked him still confused about what just happened. “I don’t know” he said and then we started walking. “Let’s go to my place then” he said. He nodded his head and linked his hand with mine. I didn’t want to start some drama so I decided not to talk about what has happened earlier. After a long walk, we reached my house. I unlocked the door, and we both walked inside. Edward sat down on the sofa and I sat down on his lap, Edward was acting weird the whole way to my house. “Edward is something wrong” I asked him. “No” he answered me. “Oh common Edward, I know something is wrong  … could you please just tell me?” I asked him. “Nothing’s wrong ok (YN), I am just tired ok” he said. I stood up from his lap and sat down next to him. “Fine” I said and switched on the TV. I kept ignoring Edward for a while; he was just sitting there not even looking on the TV. I switched through a lot of music channels, but then I stopped. My whole body frizzed as I saw to familiar faces dancing and singing to a really good song. I looked at Edward, and looked back on the TV. Then everything became clear. “Jedward” was all I managed to say. “I was going to tell you” Edward said. I was still sitting there in shock, the thing was I’ve heard from Jedward before, but I never in my life would have thought that Edward is one part of Jedward. “Edward, is this why you were acting weird the whole time we went to my house” I asked him.
He nodded his head. “I was just scared (YN), if you would have known this the whole time, I couldn’t have been sure if you really love me for who I am!” he said. “Edward, I wish you have been more honest with me, I would have never just liked you because you are famous I love you Edward for who you are” I said. But I was really angry at him for not telling me, I mean it’s a really big deal to keep that sort of secret from your girlfriend, on the other hand I knew why he did it. Edward looked sad, so I sat down on his lap and wrapped my arms around him. “Edward, I wish I could tell people I am just a normal girl and my parents don’t have that much money, things would be easier for me then, I really understand why you have been keeping this a secret” I said. “I love you” he said and kissed me.
“So I think it’s time for me, to finally get to know Jedward!” I said, “bring me your laptop we are going to watch lots of videos” he said and his whole face brightened up. Then we started to watch lots of JedwardTv videos on YouTube, he showed me their music videos and much more stuff. I was so thrilled to see Edward that happy and I also was proud of what he and John had achieved in the past. I would have never thought in my whole life that I would ever be the girlfriend of a celebrity but I also knew that lots of their fans would be really sad, if they would know that Edward has a girlfriend. “So Edward is we going to keep our relationship a secret?” I asked him. “Why, I think there is no reason for it, our fans would love you (YN)” he said. “Are you sure?” I asked him again. “Yes, I am I don’t want to hide you from anybody, I just have to talk to Liam and John about it but they will understand” he said and then he gently kissed my cheek.
Then I lifted me up and carried me upstairs in my room, “What are you doing?” I asked, whilst I was laughing. “Just want to spent some quality time with my girl” he said and dumped me down into my bed, he climbed on top of me and started to kiss my neck. “Edward, stop it” I said but he continued to kiss my neck. He pulled of his shirt and I gazed at his wonderful abs. He smiled, “can’t say no to that” I said and pulled of my shirt. He looked at my breasts which were still covered with my bra, and then he gently opened my bra and threw it across my room. “Can’t say no to that either” he said and smiled then he started to kiss my whole body going further down with every kiss he made. He stopped as he reached the bottom of my belly. He quickly pulled of my skinny and underwear, and started kissing the insides of my thighs. I felt that I was getting wetter and wetter with every kiss he made, all the sudden I felt his warm tongue sliding across my pussycat.
My whole body tensed up, but I was clearly enjoying every second of it. After a while of continuing it I told him to stop I quickly undressed Edward and started to massage his already hard cock. I was so desperate to feel him inside of me that I jumped on top of him and started riding him really fast, it didn’t took very long until we both reached our climax. I collapsed next to him, both of us out of breath. “Wow” he said and wrapped his arms around my waist I looked at him and smiled. Then we both went for a shower, dressed ourselves and walked back into the living room. Edward looked on his phones screen and his facial expression immediately changed. “what is it” I asked. “its John, he said we have to fly to Sweden tonight”. What do I do know I thought to myself, I didn’t wanted him to leave now as I knew this could be the end off our relationship. My eyes started watering, but I tried my best to hold back. “when do you have to leave” I asked him. “I guess now, because the plane is leaving in 3 hours” he said. “so what does this mean for us” I asked him, a single tear streamed down my face, I quickly whipped it away. “I love you (YN), but I also love my work and our fans, I want to fly but I don’t want to lose you” he said and sighted. I felt so bad, what was he going to tell me? “how long are you going to stay” I asked him. “just 4 days (YN), but I could ask John and Liam if you could come with us?” he said. “no, Edward its only for 4 days, I am going to miss you really bad but you should be able to spent some time with your fans I know how much they mean to you” I said. “I love you (YN)” he said and kissed my cheek. “I love you too Edward” I said and hugged him tightly. “I really should leave now” he said and slightly pulled me away.
I followed him to me door. He kissed me and told me that he wills text me when they arrive in Sweden. I opened the door and Edward walked out. I closed the door as I said goodbye again. Tears started streamed down my face, he has just walked out of the door but I already missed him. I just knew him for a couple of days, but I truly love him he is like the better half of me. I sat down on my sofa and started watching TV just to distract myself from thinking about Edward. Then I felt asleep on the sofa, I woke up in the middle of the night and the first think I did was to look up to my phone. I starred at my phone screen in shock 23 new messages and 20 missed calls it said. I opened the last message I’ve gotten it said “(YN), please text Edward he is worried that he did something wrong please John” I immediately texted Edward “Everything is alright, I love you I just felt asleep on the sofa xx (YN)”. Then I started reading the other messages he had sent me. He really was scared that something has happened to me as most of the texts were saying “are you ok?”.

The first day was awful without Edward, most of the time I was just sitting in my room alone, bored to death. He had texted me a few times, that everything is already and that Sweden is wonderful, and that the Swedish fans are awesome and so kind ( = :) sorry I just really love Swedish Jedheads). The next day my parents came home, so at least I had I little bit company from them, I told my mum about Edward and she was really happy for me. She wanted to know so much about him and I felt so proud to call him my boyfriend as I told her what an awesome human being he is. I didn’t hear much that day from Edward, so I decided to subscribe myself to twitter. Then I followed@planetjedward and a few other Jedheads from all over the world. I read the tweets they have written the last few days. I laughed to myself because they were really random and funny but most of them were written from John. Then I looked to my timeline. “Edward Grimes is dating a girl from Sweden” someone has tweeted. I was slightly shocked, but I knew Edward wouldn’t just date a Swedish Girl because he has a girlfriend me! the problem is just that nobody knows yet. Then I saw a other Jedhead had posted a picture on twitter “this is the girl he has been dating” it said, I clicked on the picture and looked on it at shock. On the picture was Edward, and he was kissing a really beautiful girl on the lips, his hands wrapped around her tightly.

That’s probably why he hasn’t texted me all day, he has been cheating on me and I had to admit the girl was really beautiful, she had long blond hair and an awesome figure. I cried for a long time, then I decided to text Edward “saw the picture, of you and that Swedish girl couldn’t you just break up with me first” I tipped. Then I went downstairs I talked to my mum for a bit, not about Edward just about random things. After a while of talking I walked back into my room, my phone was ringing like crazy. It was Edward, I answered the phone call and shouted “Fuck off Edward, I don’t need you anymore, I never loved you just fuck off now” and then I hung up on him. That day I cried myself to sleep again, Edward and my relationship would never work out, I’ve seen it myself those ups and downs, just hurt way too much. “Morning sweetie” my mum said as she walked in my room. “Morning” I said still half asleep as she just as woken me up. “(YN) what happened yesterday, I heard you crying the whole evening?” she asked. I didn’t say anything, because I didn’t wanted her to get involved in it. “ok, you don’t have to tell your mum, I hope you are feeling better now” she said and left my room. I was still in a shitty mod after what had happened yesterday, I looked up to my phone screen 1 new message, it was from Edward “if you just would give me the chance to explain everything, nothing happened (YN) I still love you only you” it said.
I smashed my phone against the wall and it broke into pieces. I always trusted people and they always disappointed me so much, I thought Edward was different but in the end he wasn’t. I felt like my heart would stop beating any minute, I needed Edward like I needed air to breath. I picked up the pieces of my phone and threw them into my dust bin. I couldn’t care less if it was broken or not, the only one who I have been texting or calling was Edward. Then I went back to my bed and covered myself with my duvet, it still smelled like Edward, everything reminded me of him. After a couple of hours of laying in my bed and crying, my mum walked in. “Please (YN) come with me downstairs, there is somebody who wants to talk to you” she said as she sat down on my bedside. “Edward?” I asked. She nodded her head, “Tell him to leave, I don’t want to talk to him” I said. Then she walked out of my room without saying something. A couple of minutes later I heard someone slightly knocking on my door. “Mum, I am not going to tell you what has happened leave” I screamed but the door opened and then I saw Edward walking in. “(YN) I want you to know nothing happened, just listen ok” he said. I couldn’t even look at him, because I was disgusted at what he had done. “that picture, Is real ok but that thing with the Swedish girl was months ago, I dated her for a couple of weeks but it wasn’t something serious like our relationship (YN) you can call her if you want to” he said. Then he sat down on my bedside. “Edward, do you really expect me to believe you after you’ve lied before” I said still not looking at his face. He sighted as he said “you don’t love me, don’t you?” I knew I love him but I didn’t say anything. I looked at Edward, he was crying his eyes were all red and swollen, then I felt bad for him. What if he is being honest with me I thought to myself. “Edward, I do love you but I can’t handle this ups and downs” I said and hugged him from behind. I whipped away his tears and kissed his cheek. “So does this mean you are breaking up with me” he managed to say. “I don’t want to Edward, if you want to be with me just as much as I want to, I think we should just try our best to be together” I said. “(YN), I really want to be with you forever, I can’t cope without you anymore” he said. Then I leaned in to kiss him, our lips touching, his tongue sliding across my bottom lip as I let him enter my mouth our tongues start massaging each other. We made out for a couple of minutes, our bodies pressed against each other. It was the best feeling ever, and I’ve clearly missed his kisses. “are you coming with me tomorrow, we have an interview for a magazine and I want to tell the whole world how much I love you?” he said.
I smiled and said “of course Edward” I spent the whole evening talking to Edward. As it was getting late, Edward went home. I was really nervous that night and didn’t get much sleep as I was too nervous about the interview tomorrow. Edward, John and Liam picked me up earlier in the morning. Edward and me hand were linked the whole time we drove, John just smiled at us. “John, where is your girlfriend” I asked him “I don’t have on anymore, but don’t feel sorry I am better off without her” he said and smiled. I quickly smiled back. “We are here” Liam said. Then we all got out of the car, “don’t be nervous (YN)” Edward whispered into my ear and slightly kissed my cheek. I blushed, as we reached the “interview room” we sat down on a sofa, after a few minutes of waiting, the interviewer came in. “hello everybody” he said and sat down in front of us. Then John and Edward started talking about their career, their fans and Edward told him everything about us. I couldn’t stop smiling the whole time. Then we took a photo with the interviewer, “thank you, and goodbye” the interviewer said and walked out, so did we. “are you coming with us” John asked me. I nodded my head then we drove to down to their house, their mum was already waiting for us to arrive. She had made dinner for the four of us, it was delicious. After dinner John, Edward and I walked upstairs into their room, Liam left after dinner. We watched a DVD and talked for a bit, then Edward said “are you gonna stay overnight”, “if you want me to” I said, “so guys, I am gonna go now, leave you two lovebirds alone for the night” he said and winked at us. As he walked out of the room, I sat down on Edwards lap, I started kissing his neck which made him moan out quietly.
All the sudden I got a feeling of sickness. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “I think I am puke any minute” I managed to say. Then I ran to the bathroom, I leaned myself over the toilet and started to vomit. Edward stood there behind me holding my hair. After what seemed like a lifetime, I stood up and washed my face. Edward brought me a bottle of water and then he carried me into his bed. He wrapped his hands around my belly. “(YN) could it be possible that you are pregnant?” he asked me. “I dunno” I said as I knew we never actually used protection. “I just want you do know, if you are I would be really happy” he said. “oh, Edward” I said and pulled him closer. Then we both felt asleep, the next morning Edward and I decided it would be the best to take a pregnancy test. Edward went to the pharmacy and when he was back home, I took the test. We both waited for the result excited, if we are going to be parents soon. “you aren’t pregnant” Edward said slightly disappointed as he looked on the test. I sighted, a part of me was happy that I wasn’t but on the other hand it would have been great to have a child with Edward, because he clearly was the love of my life.
4 years later.
The last past 4 years have been very stressful for both of us but with every year which passed by our love has grown. Edward has been my husband for now over 2 years, and we were blessed with two beautiful children, Tara Susannah Grimes and Liam John Edward Grimes. We live in a big house next to Johns. John has met a wonderful girl a few months ago and she lives with him ever since the met. Susannah comes over to our place pretty often, to take care of Tara and Liam so that Edward and I could have some time for us. When John and Edward toured around the world, Tara Liam and I always travelled with them, I even gave birth to Liam on the tour bus, that’s why we called him Liam. Edward is the best husband, I could ever imagine. He clearly is the love of my life and I know that I am his.
Edward likes to take care of our children, he even learned to cook, and he cleans our house more often then I do. He really does everything to satisfy me. Today Edward and I are gonna spent the night to ourselves as John and his girlfriend Luise are taking care of our children. Edward hugged me from behind and whispered dirty things into my ear. “Edward, stop” I said and laughed. “Mummy, Daddy uncle John is here” Tara said whilst she jumped around in our living room. “Hi, John” I said. He was carrying Liam in his arms. “Hi Edward, Hi (YN) and bye, I’ll bring them back tomorrow morning (YN) he said. I kissed Tara and Liam quickly and told them to behave then they left. “(YN) come to our bedroom now” I heard Edward shouting. I smiled and quickly ran into our bedroom. He was laying on our bed, I laid down on top of him and started kissing him roughly. Then we undressed ourselves. I felt his already hard pop rocket digging into my thighs. I laughed “you’re pop rocket is about to blow” I started singing. “Bringing the old times back aren’t you” he said and laughed. Then I started riding him until we reached our climax. It didn’t took long as we were both really horny and desperate for each others touches. I collapsed next to Edward and he pulled me in for a long hug. “I love you (YN)” he said “I love you too Edward” I said and we both fell asleep.

We both knew that we will spent the rest of our life’s with each other, taking care of our children and be there for each other in good and bad times, because we belong together forever.

The End 

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